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Nerf hillbily


Hillbily has the skill that immedietly breaks pallets and walls with short cooldown, Insta down survivors on loop, control the whole map with chainsaw. I understand that hillbily requires some skill and practice but once you adapt his turns and when to unleash chainsaw when survivor tryna juke, he becomes unstoppable. I'm really bored of repeatedly going against hillbily and seeing 2 downed survivor (mostly dc right after) 30sec after game starts. Its only playable if survivors goes against hillbily in low mmr cuz most of the time ppl rightfully dc after a surv downs in 10sec of game started . Please nerf him at once and dont buff him again


  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 3,248

    He is in a good spot, he is strong but still loop able, playing against a curve Billy is awesome and overall if you do poorly against Billy that just means you need to learn how to play against him. Go to some decent players stream or some comp streamer and ask for tips. Billy is great design because on every loop your decision makes an impact whether you get hit or not.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,082

    "Unstoppable". The same can be said for any killer when you don't apply their counterplay. In Hillbilly's case, your counterplay is mind gaming him, identifying loops where he will definitely hit you and not give him the pallet side, spreading out (you don't want him to start slugging), chaining loops and using loops with bad collision. When he enters overdrive you can also try to play around tight corners as a last resort. The extra speed makes it close to impossible to take these tight turns.

    There is no justification for someone disconnecting in a match as long as all players play by the rules. So, if 2 survivors disconnect against him in the first 30 seconds, it is not "rightfully" so. A good Hillbilly is hard to beat (which is a good thing because a lot of skill goes into playing him). But you can definitely do it.

  • weekendguy
    weekendguy Member Posts: 10
    edited April 23

    Its not really possible to counterplay when he downs 2 survivor at the start of the game and chainsaw runs both dc'd hook to prevent anyone to unhook em as if anyone want to unhook nor play that round anymore. He was already strong enough and can control map plus insta down survivors, he didn't needed buff to make him even more harder to go against

  • weekendguy
    weekendguy Member Posts: 10
    edited April 23

    Miswrited there, i Was talking about his cooldown is super short after break pallet with chainsaw

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 72

    Tbh he was more skill dependent before buff. I wouldn't nerf him much but most people not playing him as "curve Billy" , they just like to abuse low cool-down after miss now with Thompsons' Mix on top of it. Billy rn can do lots mistakes with the chainsaw and not really getting punished for it. So I would make his coold-down after miss from 2.5 to 2.7 (was 3s before buffs) and nerf LoPro.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,082

    It's not your job to counter that, it's these team mates' job. How do you go down right at the start of the match and how do you make that 2 downs? The first thing you do when the match starts is spread out. Especially against an insta down killer. It also doesn't hurt to be a little careful for the first 11 seconds of the match and watch out for cross map chainsaw snip with Lethal Pursuer. Luckily the counterplay to this is quite easy, look towards the middle of the map and position yourself behind an object, so that he can't hit you behind it. Or you do option 2 which is running and then changing directions when he comes closer. His turn rate and speed will not allow him to correct the aim. Even with both Dad's Boots and Spiked Boots you're golden, if you do it correctly. After that, do what I said in the previous post.

    When 2 people disconnect, you won't win the match anymore but this is not on the killer but on your team mates for being entitled dicks. Against a proxy camping Hillbilly, you have 3 options. Either sneak up on the hook so you can get the unhook without him pre-revving, which also allows the unhooked survivor to take the hit, or you fake the unhook and dodge the chainsaw, then unhook during his cooldown, or you commit instantly. The last option is more of a last resort but you will get the unhook still (for him to down you before the unhook becomes inevitable you'd need to make some big mistakes).

    The cooldown addons at this point are more of a placebo. Do the math. It's 10% plus 5% if he uses both. That leaves him at a 2.15 seconds cooldown (the addons do not work in overdrive). At best this will sometimes allow him to get a M1 on an outpositioned survivor.

    I agree though, that LoPros are a bit overtuned now. He needed them before the rework because he couldn't play around most loops thanks to a lack of speed and bad collisions as well as a slightly shorter turn time window. Now, they're no longer required and only push him too far up. The problem is that adding an artificial downside will either not do much or destroy the addon completely, so I'd rather they rework it (along with the overdrive decay addons).

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 72

    2.15 compared to 3 is Huge, 2.5 by itself is very noticeable. He can easily catch up and get a down with m2, using chainsaw to zone and easily down a survivor, imagine him on like Haddonfield he was strong on the old one but with current butchered ver he will be even stronger.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,111

    Very interesting how people defend him after they overbuffed him multiple times. He has super high mobility with 0 cooldown, instadown threat that can down you at almost any loop in the game, and very good addons. Insane he got a curve window buff on top of everything as well.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 1,369

    billy is fine. He doesn’t need a nerf.