BUFF IDEA for Bite the Bullet (Blocks Killer's Aura Reading)

I feel like this perk is heavily underused and when it is used, sure you'll get the value of no sounds, but I feel like it could be benefited with one extra thing that can help it become a bit stronger.
Keeping everything the same, the only thing I'd add is the ability to block killer's aura reading on YOURSELF (healing others won't give the teammates the ability to have their auras blocked, only yourself). I feel like this can bring in a fresh new ways for people to be able to use this ability in many ways, specifically with self-healing, but I do feel like it can be used effectively against many aura reading perks.
Curious on your guy's thoughts since I have always thought this perk can be benefited greatly by this idea for a very long time (I also kinda think it fits thematically as well).
EDIT: Thinking a bit more for balance, maybe have it similar to Sole Survivor where only a certain distance from the killer will have the killer's aura reading blocked. That way perks like BBQ cannot be heavily countered
No more on demand aura blocking, please. Just make it work for burn survivors when one is getting healed.