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No face animation when survivor is screaming while getting hooked

MarinoDBD Member Posts: 23

so when a survivor is getting hooked, we can hear the scream but there's no mouth animation, however while the survivor is struggling on the hook, there is an animation !

4 votes

Need more info · Last Updated

Can you please provide a short video regarding this? Thank you!


  • crystalkitti
    crystalkitti Member Posts: 394

    Hi! I'll update this w some more info, since the post is still relevant but seems to have gotten lost among others.

    Upon being hooked, the audio for the scream will play (if the player is not using Calm), however their face will not animate. Their head will move, but their eyes and mouth won't. They have a blank stare and a neutral expression. This happens both the first and second time you're hooked. If you go into struggle, your character's face will animate normally (grimacing and blinking) with no issues.

    If I'm playing a female Survivor, she'll animate her scream properly. This only seems to affect the male Survivors. It's been happening for a bit, now.