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Skull Merchant Drones Invisible Scan Lines

I play on Steam. The scan lines coming out from the Skull Merchant's drones are invisible from the survivor's perspective. They become visible after getting scanned once, but it makes initially getting scanned very easy. They're not consistently invisible either. It seems like drones placed when you're far away from them aren't bugged, but drones placed close to you become bugged. I don't have anyone to test in a private match with, so I am going off of solo queue matches I've had against her since the update. It has happened in every single match I've been in. In the screenshots, you can see that the lines are not visible despite the drone being active. I took one of them closer to the drone so that you can see the " hack drone" prompt. If it was inactive, the drone would be sparking and the prompt would not show up.
EDIT: The screenshots I attached say there is a permission problem. I'm assuming that just means it needs to be reviewed by a moderator, but I'm not 100% sure since I have never used the forums before.
This is by design, when drones are first placed (or when they become active again a while after being hacked) they start out in Stealth Mode which makes the scan lines invisible but also makes the drone rotate more slowly. You can see where the invisible scan lines are by looking for the 2 yellow lights on the sides of the drone itself.