(PC/Steam) Singularity biopod's do not make long-distant noise when disabled

MadDragon Member Posts: 1
edited April 27 in Bug Reporting

This is referencing the quick noise a biopod will produce when an emp has disabled them, which Hux can hear map wide to alert him of pods going down. I can hear them being disabled if I'm directly beside them but can no longer hear them if I'm a little ways away from them. Occasionally I cannot hear the emp itself even when near the survivor, as well as the biopod being disabled. This has not been a problem since the mid-chapter update.

To produce:

  1. Get a survivor to pickup an emp
  2. Place a biopod near them
  3. Go 30~ meters away from the biopod/survivor
  4. Survivor charges an emp, disabling the biopod
  5. The biopod is disabled, but the global sound is not heard by Hux

As a test run, I did a custom game with bots. They had no perks/addons.
My loadout (as Hux):

  • Lethal Pursuer (Only perk used)
  • Diagnostic Tool (Construction)
  • Denied Requisition Form

The bots used a few emp's, which I never heard even when one was used directly in front of me. The one pod I know for sure that got disabled didn't make a sound even though I was fairly close to it. I've also had public games where pods have made no sounds when disabled (but could be heard when I was directly beside them).

I would also like to note, this is the only sound issue I've encountered. I can hear everything else normally even on other killers or playing survivor. I have verified/fresh re-installed the game, make sure all my drivers are updated, etc. too.

My log is attached below.

Post edited by EQWashu on
1 votes

Not a Bug · Last Updated


  • MarbleThrone
    MarbleThrone Member Posts: 423

    Singularity being able to hear pods getting disabled map-wide was a bug, and this was fixed in patch 7.7.0:

    So what you've been experiencing is intended.

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