We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Dbd has become a toxic joke

Atom7k Member Posts: 269

I quitted dbd 6 weeks ago and honestly I have not missed it. I used to play almost every day but now I don't even consider it worth staying installed anymore. Not even new chapters will make up for the atrocious amount of toxicity in this game.

A friend talked me into trying it one more time after having such a long break. Worst possible idea. I don't know what happend in the last weeks but this game became more toxic then Modern Warfare 2 in its prime (believe me I was there).

So I agreed on playing 5 matches and the result is:
- in 2 matches half the surivor quitted the game even though they had 2 flash lights map offering and hatch offering
- in 1 match there was a scripted bot who would just walk randomly over the map and do nothing.
- 1 match half the survivor gave up seconds into the game
And then there was this toxic monstrosity of a match:

You cannot tell me that this was a coincidence. This was obviously a swf with 2 flash lights, map offering, sirynge medkit and 3!!!!! FTP BUCKLE UP including background player and unbreakable twice.
This match the pinnacle of toxicity and I thought I have seen everything. They tbagged me all the time, clicked around with their flash lights and FTP Buckled Up 4 times in my face. At this point I cannot believe this disgusting combination is still allowed in the game but here we are. Needless to say I wasn't able to kill one of these rats. Of course I was made fun of in the endgame chat too.

I don't like repeating myself but I will say it one last time. Do! Something! About! Toxic! Surivors!. I noticed even a lot of content creators have stopped playing. Your game is dying bhvr. Do something. And no fixing a 5 years old Plague "bug" won't do the trick.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Afandy
    Afandy Member Posts: 5

    Yes, game is very often extremely toxic as from killer side, and survival side.

    I think that there are several problem that BHVR will never fix:

    1. Really awful match making - you don't get killer / survivals that are on the same game level as you (I mean actual skill level)
    2. BHVR supports toxic behaviour - new killers are designed to tunnel / returning to hook / camp from distance
    3. Some perks are too powerful both for killers and survivals and just need to be removed completely

    But the worse of cause are toxic player base. This game doesn't bring any kind of joy and there are much much better games to play instead.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Returning to the hook is not toxic if you don't tunnel or camp tho

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,234

    This game isn’t nearly as toxic in my opinion as some other games I’ve seen. The worst you’ll get is tea bagged at the gate or hit on hook 😅🤣

    I just laugh at it while cursing at them and then I get a snack. Life is good 🤣🤣

  • BlackRose89
    BlackRose89 Member Posts: 335

    I get where you coming from. I also haven't played this game in around two months now. I was going to come back for the mid-chapter but this patch has been a nightmare and a complete failure. The two years of waiting for a twin rework ended up with a small QoL update that doesn't do anything to fix the things I hate the most about them(the slugging and Victor holding for 30+ secs), the bugs have left the game unplayable, and overall this mid chapter was boring. On top of all this MMR still is a mess IMO, my matches are always one-sided(survivors dying at 4 gens or completely stomping me and getting 4 man out), and as you said, there are just so many toxic players in this community.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,447

    Map Offerings, FTP + Buckle Up, flashlights, and syringes are not innately toxic. They can be too strong and the devs take a long time to address issues like this, but people running that stuff are not innately toxic.

    A problem with the community is that people love to call valid stuff toxic, because they don't like it.

  • Chaogod
    Chaogod Member Posts: 135

    I mean you obviously never played LoL or DoTA.

    The community is toxic but I think people confuse whats toxic versus "X side should act as a dungeon master so that I can enjoy the game the way I want to".

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    I usually just watch something on second monitor and let them wait at exit gate.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,552

    I don´t know.

    I am also annoyed or get angry when i play and the round is really bad.

    But shortly after the match is over i kinda forget about it and go to the next match. It is still only a game.

  • opxtreme
    opxtreme Member Posts: 69

    I wouldn't say that poor balancing is toxic, the survivors are just abusing those perks because they're resources available to them and because they're not skilled enough to win a match without OP stuff. Its a common trend with core players(pc & console), relying on that stuff to win, and im out here with 10k hours across mobile and core still getting consistent 4K's using a bloodpoint build 💀(Beast Of Prey, Distressing and Thrill of the hunt). Still dk how after 8 whole years u guys r still this inexperienced that u NEED perks to win and also perks do not have anything to do with skill.

    I know i went off topic but i get ur frustration, everyone does it. Survivors just have more at their disposal and im still wondering why perks are as good as they are in the first place. They should have little to no impact on a match, there needs to be a meta shakeup that actually makes dbd balanced more. I mean perks and basekit changes, killers are more complex, but with time I believe DBD can be a fun and fair game.