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New DS being used "offensively" why is it considered toxic/wrong?



  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    I mean, sure, it's hypocritical if some hypothetical person thinks it's good to tunnel and bad to use DS offensively, but I feel like not many people actually make that argument. I think most players either hate both of those things or are equally fine with whatever.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,447

    survivors who run Dead Hard have always done the same thing as well. The best counter play for aggressive DS has always been slugging and waiting out the timer or slugging and going after someone else. I’m typically against slugging but you kind of encourage it when you’re bodyblocking with ds or what not.

  • Princeharlequinhq
    Princeharlequinhq Member Posts: 74

    I mean effectively DS is being treated the exact same way. People acknowledge it can be a valid strat but look down on it if someone chooses to employ such a strat cuz it feels dirty.

  • coco_shotz
    coco_shotz Member Posts: 249

    I wouldnt call it toxic but it is a bit of a mishandle of the perk. However, there are methods on the killers end that feel the same as the offensive DS so I don't see how one is an issue while one is not.

    Now to help avoid this as much as possible it's probably best for the killer to either not pick up the obvious ds survivor and slug or focus pressure on a different part of the map so the DS survivor can be rescued while you pressure gens and they have to take time to heal. This may sound very generic but there is also the map and chosen killer to consider so the approach will vary depending on your current situation.

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 338

    I mean the hypocrisy in more of a general sense, not in a specific example of 1 individual.

    For example, the two biggest complaints I read about in the comments of this post about using DS this way is because 1 “it’s not intended to be used this way” and 2 “it punishes someone who didn’t deserve it”. I would argue that tunneling also falls into both categories, yet it’s been in the game since inception and while many don’t like it, it still persists so often that DS was not only created but recently buffed for todays game, and is still defended as a valid strategy regardless or how many may not like it.

    So why is DS deserving of nerfs when tunneling isn’t deserving of nerfs even though they have the same reasons for “being unhealthy/toxic”? You could say basekit BT is a “nerf” to tunneling, and I could say DS no longer working in endgame or after conspicuous action is a “nerf” to DS. So it’s not as if 1 has never received backlash over the other. But I typically see people defend and justify tunneling more often than people complain about it because I believe the community has accepted it, after all it’s been in the game for as long as the game has existed. So if one can stay in the game…why can’t the other? The way the community has responded to it feels very hypocritical. That’s what I mean by my post.

    Thanks for taking the time to give your perspective :)

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 645
    edited May 4

    DS should activate based on how long you were chased after being hooked, and while injured.

    So when you get unhooked DS activates. Turning red. Once a killer starts chasing you for X time the meter fills. Once DS is filled, and no is longer red, you can stab the killer if they pick you up. However, this is only if you get downed while it’s filled.

    Then buff it for every time you’re hooked, and left injured.

    DS meter resets if the chase ends, and you weren’t downed before it was filled. DS deactivates whenever you become healthy by any means. DS deactivates when the EG are powered.

    Killers will notice that survivors staying injured is either because of Resilience and DS. So killers won’t chase them for too long. They get punished. They’ll have to think of a way to catch the injured survivors in a shorter amount of time before the DS meter fills.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    If what you're noticing is just that people are complaining more about DS right now than tunneling, I think that could be because the changes to DS are new and people are usually more active in talking about things that are new.

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 338

    I would say yes that what initially caught my attention, was people talking about DS being used this way and why it was deserving of nerfs. And that’s when I made the post because the reasons behind wanting it nerfed felt very familiar to posts that have existed since the dawn of the game. But I suspect it won’t be as much of a problem as people may be fearing, so it probably won’t come up much. But ya never know! Gliyn btw

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,169

    Fine by me. Still 3v1 at worst for a while and the gens are less likely to be done during that time so sure!

    If they even have that perk in the first place. Slug 'em is still much more likely to sicceed than whether someone has Unbreakable 9r not. Easy.