Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Desperation: Survivor Basekit Anti Slug Mechanic

UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,959


When in the dying state, once a survivor has reached maximum recovery, they can hold the sprint button to enter "desperation" while crawling.

  • They crawl 50% faster.
  • Grunts of pain are 50% louder.
  • Increases the rate they bleedout by 200%.
  • Their bleedout bar on HUD starts blinking to indicate they are desperation crawling.


  • Base crawl speed is 0.7m/s.
    Desperation is 1.05m/s
    w/Tenacity is 1.4 m/s.
    For reference crouching is 1.13m/s, and walking is 2.26m/s.
  • Time to bleedout is 30.4s (to reach 95% recovery) + 69.86s (209.6s remaining ÷ 3 bleedout per second).
    Gives a total of 100.26s.
  • Unbreakable and Plot Twist cannot enter desperation state while their recovery effects are still active. When consumed, Unbreakable + Deperation bleed out time is 93.57s.

Reasoning/Points of Consideration

The main goal here is similar to the AFC and anti 3-gen changes. By and large for most scenarios this change doesn't effect normal gameplay, but being slugged on the floor is not a fun experience. This change is thematically consistent with the game... if you're left dying on the floor, you can have 1 last hail mary attempt to try and save yourself, and gives survivor something to do/try in response to excessive slugging.

  1. Makes bleedout trolling significantly less rewarding. Survivors can only be trolled for 100s.
  2. Gives survivor something to shoot for/attempt when in a 2vs1 and slugged for the 4k, rather than just being in a hopeless no win situation and waiting on the floor to die.
  3. Alternatively you can effectively "sacrifice" yourself to give your ally hatch.
  4. There is concern for this being an alternative avenue for Suicide on Hook... although this is significantly less abusable than that, this combined with above has the potential to make things like Adepts even more frustrating/difficult.
  5. Unbreakable and Plot Twist prevent this mechanic as you are not "desperate", you can still recover. This mechanic is a final last ditch attempt to make it to a teammate or crawl out of gate/hatch.

Additional Change Considerations

Given the above points, additional possible improvements that might be worth considering for gameplay health:

  • Survivors bleeding out is considered a kill in the same vein as a mori for the purposes of challenges, Killer Adepts and emblems (hooks are still by far more important for the Devout emblem).
  • Once activated, Desperation cannot be deactivated until healed by a teammate or hooked by the killer.

Long Live Tenacity!

Post edited by UndeddJester on


  • Onako
    Onako Member Posts: 66

    I would love if kills for bleeding out would reward 0 points whatsoever aditionally. I never found it fair that a killer gets points for kills while I am forced to wait out a 4 minute timer with no ability to do anything productive or recover and get no points becuase of this. Sure it won't stop many from doing it but it's only fair. Especially with Knock Out going rampant in solo queue games lately.

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 529
