PC - As killer, intermittently immune to pallet stuns for remainder of match

Faranae Member Posts: 2
edited May 2 in Bug Reporting
  1. Enter public match as killer
  2. At some point notice survivor's pallet drops just don't do anything to me regardless of proximity to the pallet
  3. Pallets continue to not affect me for the remainder of the match, even when intentionally standing in them
    1. It seems to bump me to the nearest unoccupied space if I am too close, but that's been unreliable to replicate
  4. I can still interact with the pallet normally after the drop, as can survivors
  5. The next match, pallet stuns behave as-intended

I thought it was just a bug with pallet range, but when this bug occurs I can stand right in the middle of the pallet and still not be stunned when the survivor drops it. I have stopped gameplay to do a fiber run with the survivors (following them willingly while they pallet me) a few times now and still not gotten hit multiple attempts in a row.

As soon as I notice the bug has triggered, I have been throwing/going silly-killer-mode so that I don't continue the match with an unfair advantage against the survivors. I'm submitting this bug report so that hopefully I don't get dinged as exploitative if I'm reported for it. This keeps happening seemingly at random and I have no idea how to stop it once it's triggered.

Additional information

  • Killers this has happened on so far: Hag, Doctor, Spirit, Artist, Onryo. Also had it happen once as Twins; Immune both with and without Victor attached. I have not tested if Victor himself can be palletted when this bug is active.
  • Perks/addons/offerings in use when bug triggers: No patterns detected so far!
    • Has happened on very different builds and playstyles including but not limited to PentiHex, Aura, GenTrap, and Oblivious builds.
    • NOT tested: I have not checked to see if there are any survivors or survivor perks/items in common between these incidents. Hindsight is 20/20, going to start paying attention to that.
  • Maps noticed on so far: Coldwind (Torment Creek I think), Lery's, Springwood, Yamaoka (Sanctum of Wrath, has happened twice on this map), Ormond, Withered Isle (Greenville Square), Borgo
  • Frequency: Once out of every 3-4 games or so, intermittent since the engine upgrade. I have not been able to intentionally reproduce it (nor have I tried, I do not want to take advantage of it).


  • Steam; Launching with the -dx11 launch parameter
  • Possibly worth noting I'm running on a 4th-gen processor (Devil's Canyon i7-4790k), since it seems the processor generation has been relevant to several bugs occurring since the engine update.

NOTE: Log folder was empty for some reason or I would upload it. (Likely a "me" issue, going to double-check folder permissions after this.)

1 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review.