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Undetectable issues with lullaby

Tested this rigorously in a custom game, it's a complex bug:
Huntress's lullaby volume is bugged when combined with undetectable. The volume of the lullaby that the survivors are experiencing the moment the huntress gains undetectable becomes the constant volume survivors experience, no longer changing by distance from huntress. This constant is maintained even when undetectable wears off. The volume they experience stays at this constant until they are out of the range of the lullaby, which then resets it, or until undetectable appears again, which sets a new constant volume.
Example: A survivor hears huntress's lullaby at 25% volume. Tinkerer activates, giving huntress undetectable. The huntress moves in on the survivor. The survivor still hears it at 25% volume. Undetectable wears off, the survivor continues to hear at 25% volume. The huntress leaves the survivor, and the survivor exits the lullaby radius. The volume then resets, and will function correctly.