Linked sets possibilities

Hello there dear DBD-Team,
I wanted to ask you if the linked set mechanic is tied to always having all 3 cosmetic pieces linked together?
For non licensed killers for example, still being able to swap the weapon sounds like a reasonable idea to think about since most of the time is not really breaking the integrety.
Most of the times it depends on the case to not break the cosmetics, but for example Yun-Jin Lee has two linked sets (Seoul Socialite & the Surprise Performance) where still being able to swap out the headpiece would not come close to your set up rules for linking the cosmetic pieces.
Please consider this in the near future, everyone would benefit from these changes!
Love you and your game(s)!
I support this idea!
Especially about Yun-Jin. Her 2 linked sets are so easy to separate without any issues. Not only the hair but other parts too!
Also we have so many clipping issues after the last update anyways might as well unlink these outfits too if that's really their only concern LOL.