PC - Game freezing randomly when tabbing out

Algid Member Posts: 2

Steps to reproduce

Step 1: Boot the game, must be running in fullscreen windowed.

Step 2: Tab out of the game and restore focus, repeat this until the game freezes.

Step 3: In order to fix the game tab out and refocus and it should unfreeze.

Additional information

  • I first noticed this on the PTB for 7.7.0 - when returning to 7.6.X after playing the PTB I no longer experienced this issue.
  • Still occuring after the recent 7.7.1 patch.
  • Running the game in fullscreen mode stops this bug from occuring, I have only had the issue in fullscreen windowed.
  • If I don't restore focus to the game after it freezes the game will crash, I have attached the log file for this situation. I did notice the presence of a crash report in the folders for this too but haven't included it in this initial report as the template doesn't ask for it.
  • If I am in a match or lobby when this happens and I don't fix it as in Step 3 quickly enough the game will throw me out of the match/lobby when I eventually unfreeze it.
  • Audio continues playing when frozen but game state does not appear to progress as things like chase music will continue playing endlessly.

Video of the freezing:

Crash screen when left frozen for an extended period: