TAA is causing massive motion blur - genuinely made me sick

SlowLoris Member Posts: 282

While I realize there are a lot of issues since the UE5 update, Rubberbanding, Hitching, Stutters, FPS drops, insane resources eaten during game play, crazy texture pop in, none of them are as bad as the one that has popped up today.

As of today's update if TAA is enabled it adds massive motion blur to the game. This is VERY noticeable on killer and in my example I show myself changing multiple settings / they don't change anything, until I get to TAA. I move back and forth towards the window, so you can see it and I have filters turned off, so you see it exactly how it is in-game.

While it's very obvious this is happening in this instance, it's not JUST when staring at something like windows. While playing Wesker if my knife is next to a "lighter" object I'll see the motion blur on it. That's actually what led me to making the thread, because the blur trail made me physically nauseous.

Below is a clip I posted on my Twitter. I cannot currently play killer while this is a thing.

Platform: PC

Steps to Reproduce: Start a match with TAA on

How often does this occur: Every time

I'm also running on DX12 on Ultra settings, if that helps.

2 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review


  • SlowLoris
    SlowLoris Member Posts: 282

    After more testing, this doesn't seem to be as obvious on EVERY other map, but it's extremely nauseating on Haddonfield and I've noticed it's very strong on Borgo as well.