Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Wicked restriction please?

Member Posts: 504
edited May 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Can we please have a restriction on Wicked where it has a pre-requisite of needing to go down at least 8 meters away from the basement stairs? All people are using it for is to be the biggest trolls by running into basement while injured and running all four Wicked, Plot Twist, Decisive Strike, and Off The Record.

I'm not saying that Wicked is too strong or anything. I'm just saying that it's an annoying perk that I only ever see trolls using it because, as survivor, it's annoying when your teammate isn't helping the team out by sitting slugged in the basement constantly and as killer it's annoying that you're forced to slug said survivor because you miss out on points for slugging survivors to death.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 2,336
    edited May 2024

    Wicked is fine. Going to be honest I run this perk but I've literally not seen a soul run this perk since the chapter so maybe I'm lucky / unlucky.

    Wicked's main use is unhooking yourself from basement. Outside of that all it does is show aura of killer when you're unhooked. If you're getting bullied by survivors it's absolutely not because of this perk. If you get teammates who are useless with this perk they were honestly going to be useless without the perk.

  • Member Posts: 6,131
    edited May 2024

    I think the idea behind it was that if you're running Invocation and get caught, you have a way of getting yourself out of trouble. Restricting it's distance kind of defeats that purpose.

  • Member Posts: 820

    Wicked doesn't work on death hook right? You can just take the hook and you won't have to deal with it for the rest of the match.

  • Member Posts: 855

    Wicked main thing is aura reading. Other on that is one use is specific scenario so why bother?

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Sable looks at the thread

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    How can they have Wicked and DS/OTR active at the SAME TIME? Wicked only works on their first hook. They don't have flip-flops so hook them somewhere else if it's such a problem. Agitation helps.

  • Member Posts: 567
  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    I made a post about this being a nerf that may be needed to it in the future. Coz one thing I predicted when I saw in ptb and made my post about it, and have since experienced first hand, and seen in streams etc, is players purposefully abusing intelligent Killers into chasing them down into basement, wasting as much time as possible knowing that if they get hooked it's a free unhook, and if they get carried out of basement, they can wriggle off or waste even more time from the Killer even if they make it to a surface hook.

    In addition, there is lots of perks that can be synergised with it to make this troll/cheesy play style even more obnoxious.

    I love that Wicked can be used in a 'hero' play style, where you can rescue and trade in basement to give your team a fighting chance again, while saving yourself in the process, maintaining that reclaimed momentum. But there is a lot more ways it can be used to cheese situations, which sucks.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    Just slug them, if I know there is no chance of hooking anywhere else and survivor clearly wanted to run into the basement, I am fine with slugging.

    To gain pressure against Wicked, you either need to slug them, or tunnel them out. I really don't think this perk should get nerfed, because there is a counterplay to it.

    There is a different combination of perks I would much rather see nerfed…

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    Agitation and to a lesser extent Iron Grasp mitigate so many annoyances in this game. Much like Lightborn, having it when you need it feels soooooo good. The surv equivalent is running things like Unbreakable and making good use out of it.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    That would be like saying you need to slug or tunnel anyone with Deliverance

    That's true, but you can't tell so easily survivor has it.

    Not to mention sure you can suspect someone has it but you'll never know until they use it.

    If I can't see any other reason for the action, I will expect what is left. If survivor runs into the basement on purpose, they have that perk.

    Whenever survivor unhooks themself, whole chase you had with that survivor is kinda pointless unless you have perks to make it otherwise. You didn't get any pressure from it, as long other survivors know about it of course, because everyone else can stay on gens.

    Slugging still let you keep some pressure at least, because unless that survivor has unbreakable, another survivor needs to go into basement to pick them up.

    Alternative is to stay around and just don't let that survivor get out of the basement, down them after BT and try to hook them again to get desired result.

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