Buckle Up Nerf going the wrong direction

Buckle Up by itself has never never been the problem; the instant nature of it being paired with FTP is the issue. Picking someone up w/o endurance if a killer wants to slug is absolutely pointless since the killer just swings the moment the surv gets picked up; it doesn't matter how fast or how long they sprint if the don't even get to the sprint animation starting …
Almost more importantly though: "Since there’s a lot of competition between Perks which grants Survivors Endurance from the dying state" Uhh…. last time I checked there were exactly two perks that give you endurance from the dying state: Soulguard & WGLF. That's not exactly a lot of competition… Or am I missing something? Do we count "on hook" as a dying state? - Or did someone forget to remove the "from the dying state"?
this is the perfect change. i wish they did this change on BT and base-kit BT. it would improve tunneling issue and the camping issue alongside body blocking endurence.
Best change they have done in a while.
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Not sure if you played before basekit BT, but I promise you the game was worse. 10 seconds endurance of the hook is pretty necessary or the gameplay loop of the game just falls apart.
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bodyblocking for 10 second is not neccassary. You did identify one problem with buckle up. If a survivor is in front of you and your camping the slug, the killer could hit the survivor and knock them down. So buckle up likely needs small buff like 1.5 second iframes to prevent that camping slug gameplay.
add that same idea to BT sprint burst idea.
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you’re not body blocking for 10 seconds. It just gives you 10 seconds to not get insta downed off hook. If you hit someone who body blocks after 2-3 seconds off hook then that’s it.
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I think it's a really interesting change. We never had a perk that gave Sprint Burst to another survivor without causing Exhaustion. I think it's creative.
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It is fine. I think For the People is alright as a Perk, because the main issue of the combo was that both Survivors would get Endurance, which made it way to safe for the User. Now with that removed, FTP and Buckle Up are both altruistic Perks.
And I think the concept of Buckle Up is interesting, if you dedicate your build around helping others, it fits that you give someone who was healed with buckle up a Speedboost so that they can get away. And the Killer will get a trade out of it when used with FTP in their face.
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I wish they'd bring back the 10s of aura reading after picking up a slug for both survivors. So you'd have the speed boost on the healed survivor AND you'd both get aura reading for 10s when someone's picked up.
They could probably make the speed boost apply to you when picked up if you take it as well.
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The change basically kills both perks again, cause both on their own are by far too situational. survivor perks gettin bvhred again.
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For The People has generally been considered a fine perk for a long time. I dont see why it would suddenly be an issue.
The issue was Buckle Up. Perks that provide both players Endurance have naturally always been busted, it's why the original Borrowed Time got nerfed back when it first released.
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I think that Buckle Up just needed a condition on it activating only after healing the downed survivor for X amount of time, disabling it's synergy with FTP and not making it useless.
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Perk was gutted. When will I use this? When killer slugs the surivor he was just tunneling? Just prevent the down or hook.
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Well made for this gives endurance for yourself aswell as far as I remember (don't know if they removed it with the buff).
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well, made for this ives the healing person an endurance effect - though that one isn't getting picked up from the dying state.
That'd also be a pretty good option; be able to gauge if you can even pull the pick up off and have an idea of where to run next. Would be in line with the "pick up and run away" nature.
I'm not sure if I follow; how would you now address a killer camping a slug? Meaning, a killer who'll just down the surv a split second after getting picked up. Good old just leave em there, overall the killer loses if they camp a slug and four gens get done? I'm genuinely curious cause the only combo I can see being somewhat effective is WGLF+MFT. - I for one don't think getting a safe pick up when a killer refuses to hook should take up two perk slots.
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"I'm not sure if I follow; how would you now address a killer camping a slug? Meaning, a killer who'll just down the surv a split second after getting picked up. Good old just leave em there, overall the killer loses if they camp a slug and four gens get done? I'm genuinely curious cause the only combo I can see being somewhat effective is WGLF+MFT. - I for one don't think getting a safe pick up when a killer refuses to hook should take up two perk slots."
I am not really sure how often this even happens. For a Killer it would be far more beneficial to camp a Hook, because you can camp a Hook and the Survivor would be dead after 2 minutes, which means that most likely not all Gens are done. But camping a slug does not really do anything for the Killer, they will have to wait 4 minutes instead of 2 minutes until the Survivor is dead and then all Gens should be done.
So I dont think, except if it is out of spite, that slugging a Survivor for 4 minutes instead of hooking and camping them for 2 minutes does achieve anything for a Killer.
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I wouldn’t say killed. It’s just a different use. It’ll still work. FTP and BUP were not exactly healthy. It should be no surprise. They had plans to change this for months
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I agree that Buckle Up on its own was not an issue balance-wise.
However, they did say in the dev update that they wanted to differentiate it from other endurance perks, and while there may only be a few of these, particularly WGLF is quite similar and already fulfilled that purpose. So I do not really mind that they reworked it back to being a speedboost perk again.
The previous version of Buckle Up before the current one (where you got 10% haste) was bad because if the killer was right there they just downed the survivor anyways (10% did not really save them if the killer was already right on top of you when you healed them). If the killer wasn't there (or didn't slug) then the perk did nothing. Now that it's an old-Adrenaline level speedboost, it gets the healed survivor away from the killer a lot more effectively and thus I think the perk does still have a purpose.
Ironically, FTP + Buckle Up is still situationally useful as well to prevent a tunnel-out (or just to prevent the sacrifice of a death-hook survivor in general), it just means the killer can down the healer now since they're not protected but that's better than a survivor dying.
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I'm not a fan of the Buckle Up change either. A well-timed hatchet from the Huntress, or a well-timed Demogorgon Shred attack can instantly down the Survivor during the standing-up animation. Maybe we'll see more WGLF users, but I'm not sure. I don't like the idea of losing one of the few defenses against slugging that we have. If they wanted to fix the FTP+Buckle Up combo, all they needed to do was remove the endurance from the user.