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NUMEROUS Mastermind Bugs since UE5 update - he feels abysmal to play right now.

SlowLoris Member Posts: 288

Before I start listing everything, I need to explain that I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH how much some of these bugs aren't obvious unless you're playing as Wesker. A lot of these bugs become more obvious if you can actually feel the inputs of the player.

It's so hard to "see" some of these that even very skilled Wesker players have basically gas lit themselves into thinking they've magically become terrible at Wesker since the UE5 update.

Platform: ALL

How Often: All bugs are constant, but when they happen are inconsistent, it's hard to explain.

Steps to reproduce: Multiple - I will explain

Description: Multiple - I'll break them down

I waited to make this thread, because I wanted to compile clips, but it's just…so hard to show the majority of these things that I think it's best I make the thread and encourage Wesker mains to stop by and share their clips / experiences.


  • Survivor collision feels HALF the size it was pre-UE5 update - it feels like it did on Mastermind PTB - literally sliding THROUGH survivors.
  • Environmental collision feels larger and inconsistent. Objects I didn't used to bump on, I do now. In fact, I even bump on thin air sometimes.
  • Inconsistent Bound distances if they're altered with add-ons such as "Unicorn Medallion" - the distances are not the same as they were pre-update
  • Pallets will now stun the Mastermind after they've already been dropped for a while and will allow the Mastermind to dash at them like they're a wall (literally slam into it), but at the same time…he can just walk through them like they don't exist.
  • Pallets no longer become "Collision" at the same time they used to, which leads to Wesker often getting robbed of "Vault Slaps" on survivors and instead he will pause slightly and wait for them to finish vaulting, then vault after them allowing the survivor to run away. Almost like we're stuck in queue waiting our turn.
  • Window Vaulting Vacuums are DOUBLE the size they were pre-UE5 update. Previously if you made sure to bend properly during a double dash you could avoid vaulting a window, now you have to be double the distance away (which is not always possible) or it will vacuum you into the window. The vacuum is SO BAD that it will literally IGNORE a survivor standing in front of the window if they're slightly to the left or the right and suck you THROUGH THEM into a vault. I have "accidentally" vaulted more windows since the UE5 update than triple what I have since Wesker's release.

There are definitely many other bugs I'm forgetting to mention, but these are the most noticeable / worst. I wanted to get this thread out, so Wesker mains can start adding to it and sharing clips, etc. I also wanted to wait and make sure that I wasn't crazy. Like I said, quite a few of these issues are "stealthy" to a point where you end up gas lighting yourself into thinking you've magically become bad at the killer.

Below are some comments from Twitter of many Wesker players discussing this exact same thing. I've also discussed these issues IN DEPTH with many Mastermind mains that have thousands of hours JUST ON WESKER and they can confirm they're experiencing them, too.

This also has some responses of my quoted post explaining that I'm dealing with it, too.

I'm hoping by getting this post out now that I can get clips added to this quickly / compiled across Wesker mains. However, like I said, most of these issues are VERY hard to "show" and you need to "FEEL" them, if that makes sense. Sometimes it's obvious, because you visually see Wesker slide through survivors or bump on thin air, but I will be clipping every instance of it over the next couple of days to add to this thread.

Bottom line, he feels miserable to play in this state, especially because players know what they're capable of and when he's like this it's less OBVIOUS that you're dealing with bugs and just feels like YOU'RE BAD.

Hopefully we see fixes for these things soonTM, because Wesker feels almost unplayable against good players.

6 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review.


  • GillyBeannn
    GillyBeannn Member Posts: 554

    Wow this is crazy, haven't played much wesker as of late myself, but it's unfortunate. Also sorry not to be that guy but, in the PTB, wesker's dash hitbox was twice the size it was then what we're supposed to have currently, it was on launch that made the dash hitbox much smaller and cuz of it, you dashed through survivors.

  • SlowLoris
    SlowLoris Member Posts: 288

    This is true and you're correct. The hitbox feels like launch week Wesker where you'd get stuck on literally everything, but also slide straight through survivors as if they didn't exist.