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Is there a way to drop your mmr?

Ray_Penber Member Posts: 94
edited May 11 in Ask the Community

I can't seem to get lobbies where it is equal anymore. I just get people who are good at looping. Extremely frustrating since I am not good at mind games or trying to counter there looping or moonwalking. In all honesty I loose track of people easily to the point of mind gaming myself. Since I strictly play only M1 killers it's really tough. My build is an endgame strategy so I have no anti-loop perks. I just wish to play against people who either have no concept of looping or who are not good at it because that's the level I am on. I play console and not pc.


  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    If you lose your mmr will go down, not much more to it… You could try to find people for 1v1s to learn looping otherwise.

  • bmclac
    bmclac Member Posts: 8

    I honestly think MMR is just a fairytale they tell us. It's no different for a solo q survivor matey. The team gets utterly annihilated before we can even get one gen done, over and over again, occasionally the stars will align and I'll have a really good challenging match then it's back to hell we go for the rest of the day. I think they just throw whoever is ready to go together with a slap on the bum to keep the lobbies going.

    I definitely preferred the older ranking system for solo survivor. You didn't have to escape to level up just play the game and be good to your teammates.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    If MMR is working correctly, your position is correct. If you want easier opponents, your opponents have to be scared of your threats. That's what competitive games are about, where you face tough opponents.

    In reality, many believe the MMR system is broken, which is why the SoloQ experience is so terrible.

  • ecliptikk
    ecliptikk Member Posts: 21

    The way i see it there's two solutions to this.

    The first would be to switch up your perk build, not because endgame strategy builds don't work, but because if your build is not working in the way you want it to or if you are still finding matches difficult with it, then chances are another build could help (although i understand if you do not want to do this as we tend to grow fond of our builds over time).

    The other solution would be to continue playing games and put your faith in the mmr system. if you lose games (in theory) your mmr will decrease, however do keep in mind that a lot of people believe that the mmr system is broken or is something of a myth. The benefit to this is if you still remain in the same lobbies then eventually you will naturally become better at countering these challenging loops with survivors.