In-game store QoL suggestions

I think the update to the store has been really good overall, but I have a couple items that I'd like to see addressed in the future if possible.

I'd really like to be able to purchase Auric Cells without the Steam overlay turned on. This is something that might be a really niche case, but the Steam overlay on the Steam Flatpak can cause issues with launching the game, so I always have it disabled. It's a bit of a pain to restart the game with the overlay enabled every time I want to purchase Auric Cells.

Can we have a 1500 Auric Cell option? I never need 2000 and 1000 doesn't get you a full set. I have 280 Auric Cells that I can't do anything with right now, and the set I want is 1475 cells. This is really annoying. I'm actually not spending money on the game in many instances because I don't want to spend $20 for something that costs 1475 cells.