Chaos Shuffle - Overall Feedback & Thanks for listening about offerings, but....

Before I give my feedback I want to say, "I LOVE THIS GAME MODE"!
A lot of people didn't seem very excited about it when you guys were asking about it earlier in the year, which shocked me. All I could think about was how much fun it'd be to know that both sides AREN'T running META, unless they get really lucky, and it's just as good as I expected. I'm very sad that this is only going to be a modifier, especially only lasting ONE WEEK, because I genuinely think with some tweaks this could be a permanent game mode for people that just want to "chill".
I've had some of my best interactions in years with random survivors and killers, just because we're trying to get perk value out of our random perks, and it's so much fun. Below are all of my suggestions of things that should be adjusted and things I appreciate! I also included a link to a tweet I made, because it has a cute interaction video that I thought you might enjoy.
This has been the most refreshing the game has felt in ages, and I could genuinely see it being part of my every day DBD game-play if adjustments are made.
1. Perk Variety - It feels like some perks are greatly favored over others, and I don't know if there is a scale of what should appear more. (Small Game, Dark Devotion, Iron Grasp, Lightborn, Hysteria, Leverage I saw an insane amount) After playing roughly 25 games of Chaos Shuffle and not seeing my favorite perk on ANYONE, I was starting to think it somehow wasn't in the perk pool, until I found my son Alan today (he's featured in the video at the bottom)
2. Map offerings should be disabled - It sucks a lot of the fun out of the mode when Skull Merchant sends you to R.P.D to try 3 genning, you're gonna have a bad time. Or when survivors send you to Eyrie of Crows while you're all running random perks (then they see it's also a killer they don't like and insta go next on hook).
3. Perhaps an offering / option to randomize add-ons/items as well for an extra 50% BP.
4. Tunneling Is Rampant - It's clear how much both sides have crutched on certain perks for a while. Survivors don't have much of a way to make up for this in Chaos Shuffle, which is good. However, killers have taken to hard tunneling someone out at the start of the match to make up for not being able to stack 4 slow downs. Perhaps, JUST IN THIS MODE increasing the base-kit Endurance to Borrowed Time length might be a good thing. The majority of people are playing this game mode for BP and to chill, but the tunneling on less experienced players will lead to them no longer playing it.
5. I really appreciate BHVR listening to feedback that BP offerings should be available for use.
6. I honestly think BOTH sides should be guaranteed at least 100% incentive as the BASE amount of BP increase. Then have the queue incentive add on TOP of that, so it makes it worth it no matter what to queue for random perks and it'll keep the mode thriving.
7. Map variety - I'm not sure if this is because of the "Before The Masquerade" map rotation, but I feel like 90% of my games were on Ormond and it gets a bit rough. In the future, Chaos Shuffle shouldn't be affected by maps that are higher priority, etc. Just let the maps be 100% random - this ties into me saying map offerings should be disabled.
Again, fantastic job. This mode has really reminded me of the chaos I felt when I was newer to the game and didn't know the best perks to run, I just ran what sounded FUN.
After continuing to play this mode, I'd like to alter one of my suggestions.
3. Perhaps an offering / option to randomize add-ons/items as well for an extra 50% BP.
3. Items should still be selectable, so people can do challenges like "guess what perks I have", BUT ALL ADD-ONS SHOULD BE RANDOMIZED ON BOTH SIDES. This will stop things like killers running the absolute strongest add-ons (Cough Double Iri Blight was misery), or survivors all bringing Syringes or BNP.
You could also still have the option for "Full chaos" to randomize the item and allow for the NEGATIVE killer add-ons for 50% BP increase if you wanted to.
Guessing my perks has been the MOST FUN I'VE HAD IN THIS GAME IN YEARS. It's so interesting to test my game knowledge, but figuring things like "Champion of The Light" out would be impossible if I couldn't bring my item of choice.
Again, I beg, please bring this modifier back as a PERMANENT game mode. Almost every content creator I've spoke to has had their love reinvigorated for this game, because of Chaos Shuffle.