Undone Regression Penalty Error

Fizorak Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

When using the Unknown's perk "Undone", kicking a generator applies an incorrect regression penalty of 2 events instead of 1 and this happens every time the perk activates.

The perk activates when a failed healing/repairing Skill Check occurs, granting 3 tokens up to a max of 30. Damaging a generator regresses the generator for 1% total progress x the number of tokens, then blocks the generator from being repaired for 1 second x the number of tokens, then it goes on cooldown.

The issue is that when activating the perk, it counts as 2 repression events instead of one. This doesn't seem to be right as Pop Goes the Weasel only counts as a single event. Is this an issue, intended or a bug? This has been out since the Unknown's release and I encountered this when trying the perk out with a build on Doctor on PC.

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