We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

How about we add more modifiers to perks?

Unam Member Posts: 118
edited May 20 in Feedback and Suggestions

Right now, there are some Modifiers on perks.
Like DS deactivates in Endgame, play with your food only works on the obsession, etc.
So what I am thinking of, should be possible coding wise:

How about perks trigger differently according to the state of the game?
For Example: Right now, DS is 4 Seconds and doesnt work in endgame. Maybe we could tweak it like, if the killer is winning (more hooks than survs have gens in %) Ds now becomes 5 seconds, if it gets activated after you are on death hook, it becomes 6 seconds or you additionally lose collision with the killer. Something like that.

Another one: Killer has 3 Hooks and survs are on the last gen.
How about Pain Rest gets 30% off a gen? and only 15% if killer is winning?

The Examples are just from the top of my head to demonstrate the point.
Dont take them to serious please!

This would lead to much fairer matches across all Skill levels.
Bcs. newer players wont have to deal with all the might of meta perks if they are already losing to killers.
And Killers in High elo wont have to face chained stuns and gen rushes from SWFs, etc.

This could be expanded to items and/or killer powers.
And could be easily explained through lore with the entity enjoying the suffering of the victims of the trial (making it harder for everyone)

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,184

    I like the idea I think it's cool how you can come up with this but one side shouldn't be rewarded for doing bad. If survivors are bad, they are bad, perks shouldn't bring them back into the game. Plus idk man I think you are overestimating the devs (no offense devs) but that seems like a pretty hard implementation and will prob break the game for a couple months

  • Unam
    Unam Member Posts: 118

    well if you brake it down, mechanics like this are already in place…
    Anti camp, anti tunnel, anti 3 gen…
    All these mechanics, while combatting ######### behaviour (which is a minority), are basically comeback mechanics for bad gameplay.

    Most 3 gens, outside of 3 gen meta, were not forced by killers but enabled by dumb choices survivors made…
    Same goes for anti tunnel, etc…

    I just think perk modifiers could dampen the skill differences MMR puts players into…

  • Unam
    Unam Member Posts: 118

    well if you boil it down, anti camp, anti 3 gen, anti tunnel…
    All these are basically comeback meachanics that essentially reward bad gameplay by survivors and iron out their mistakes…

    I just think perk modifiers could dampen up the skill differences MMR puts players into and iron out some of the glaring Balancing issues this game has with very little effort…

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,520

    Ehhh Im not too much a fan of this and its for one reason: new players. They already have way too many perks to keep track of, and adding more numbers to that would be even more overwhelming

    Also as for your DS thing and losing collision. Thats actually already the case, and you can actually just run right over bear traps unarmed within a short period of time after getting off the killers shoulder by any means

  • Unam
    Unam Member Posts: 118

    Why would it be difficult for newer players? effects stay mostly the same, just the numbers are different.
    I think it doesnt make a difference for newer players if pop gets 15, 20 or 30% off a gen…

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,520

    And there are already enough numbers to remember, to be told that perks now have different values under certain conditions is just way too much and will even be difficult for experienced players to keep track of.