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DBD keeps making my computer crash and penalises me for an unintentional DC.

Hello fellas.
Recently, every two rounds I play as Killer, my game crashes unexpectedly. There's no cue or action that seems to cause this crash, it just happens. Sometimes the crash causes DBD (and when I restart my computer, causes my computer to crash as well) to close or my computer also crashes as well. Frustratingly, the game seems to think that I've DC'ed on purpose and keeps giving me matchmaking penalties. With the most recent matchmaking penalty lasting for 24 hours. (The crashes also occur during custom games)
The following solutions I have tried to do were repairing the Anti-Cheat (However the Anti-cheat does not say it has DBD, only something called game 83?), reinstalling the game, verifying the integrity of game files, restarting the game after each match as killer.
I've also checked my specs to make sure they were good enough for DBD, I have an Intel 11th gen I7, 16GB RAM, Windows 11, GEFORCE RTX 4050. I assume that's good enough right?
Does anyone have a solution to this or is experiencing similar issues?