Auric Cell Charm - Survivors floating bug

Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555
edited May 20 in Bug Reporting

I was able to spot a survivor last game as the spirit, which had the auric cell charm equipped.

I saw a floating yellow glowing Ball running around and disappearing behind a rock ( i assume they crouched at that moment, the rock would have been tall enough for them to be not visible when standing though, but the charm gave me an advantage because it was floating above her head).

I thought it was one of these anniversary crowns but then when i got closer i saw they had the auric cell charm on their pants. Below further information:

Map: Azarovs resting place - Gas heaven
Killer: Spirit
Survivor: Sable Ward.

(Ps) i saw it from a distance, floating as stated but when i came closer the charm was normal hanging on the thighs again.

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Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review