Solo queue is abysmal

When will you do something about it, devs? Punish the griefers that don't repair a single generator. All they can do is hide, hide and hide, and only unhook for pips. This has been going on for 30+ matches in a row. Fix this mess.
Playing bad is not a report reason... Otherwise you would need to report up to 99% of players depending on what you define as playing bad, ask a comp player and he will tell you that pub players have no clue how to play the game, basically just like in any other game. And from their standpoint that is a fair statement...
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I feel this is a disingenuous response, OP is not talking about "bad players", they mean the players who specifically go out of their way to screw over teammates or just hide like a parasite until the hatch opens, and in my Solo Queue experience, these players are fairly frequent.
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Does not really change the outcome, even if you don't touch a generator all game long that is still not a report reason… If all they do is hide, maybe do chests, totems or what not, that is still not a reason to report them…