Endfury + Flashlight saves

Emibox Member Posts: 1
edited May 25 in Bug Reporting

I know I'm not the best at making flashlight saves but this time I THINK my timing was correct (could've been like 0.0001s later if wanted to be in the safer side) but at the same time my teammate dropped a pallet on the killer during the animation (which obviously didn't stun the killer) BUT the killer had enduring + spirit fury so the pallet broke.
I got my flashlight blind like previously stated but did not get the save. I'm not sure if it's cause I just suck (this is 90% likely to be the case to be fair) or is it just a bug between spirit fury and flashlights?

Here's a clip showing it happening. (I hope links like this are ok)

Post edited by EQWashu on
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Hey Emibox, thank you for taking the time to report this. For the Spirit Fury, it looks like the pallet may have been prompted to drop just a bit too early before the Killer regained control of his character during the pickup. And while the Doctor's illusion kind of blocks your play a bit in the clip, it appears it may have been a smidge too early as well.

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