45% Escape Rate and Solo-Queue Improvements

Shuma Member Posts: 55
edited May 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

for years now, solo-queue has been a disaster and has been a miserable gaming experience. A big part of the problem is the long loss streaks solo-queue has, where solo-queue players are losing 10 to 20 games in a row.

My suggest is to increase solo-queues escape rate to 45% in SBMMR and count DCs, where the team loses, as loses in SbMMR for solo-queue survivors who stay in the match.

Solo-queue players who play after a DC and still lose, see that as a lose and it should be counted as a lose for the players that remain in the game.

These 2 changes should help with the oppressive loss streaks solo-queue players are suffering,, making the solo-queue experience miserable.


  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    I am not sure if I would call solo q miserable. But it can be quite the rough experience at times.

    I definitely agree that escape rates should be closer to 45%, but I don't think dc's should count. Matches where someone dc's have nothing to do with the game's balance in the end.