45% Escape Rate and Solo-Queue Improvements

for years now, solo-queue has been a disaster and has been a miserable gaming experience. A big part of the problem is the long loss streaks solo-queue has, where solo-queue players are losing 10 to 20 games in a row.
My suggest is to increase solo-queues escape rate to 45% in SBMMR and count DCs, where the team loses, as loses in SbMMR for solo-queue survivors who stay in the match.
Solo-queue players who play after a DC and still lose, see that as a lose and it should be counted as a lose for the players that remain in the game.
These 2 changes should help with the oppressive loss streaks solo-queue players are suffering,, making the solo-queue experience miserable.
Solo isn't any different than any other PVP game that saddles you with a team.
People don't do the stuff you want them to do. They do stuff that makes sense to them. When Claudette is crouching in a bush that seems like a good idea to her. When meg won't finish your 99 heal she has other stuff she's rather be doing. You can't force people to do the right thing and believe it or not- you and I look like that Claude or Meg from their perspective.
The solo bad meme is just so obnoxious. It comes from a place lacking empathy and understanding, armchair generals that expect everyone on a team to execute their desires.
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I am not sure if I would call solo q miserable. But it can be quite the rough experience at times.
I definitely agree that escape rates should be closer to 45%, but I don't think dc's should count. Matches where someone dc's have nothing to do with the game's balance in the end.