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Nea's Diahype shirt is incorrectly appearing as Nea's default shirt to console players

My console friend noticed it was bugged after watching a streamer's vod of me being chased.
I attached a screenshot of all 3 POVs. Mine (PC), friend 1 (PC), and friend 2 (Console).
Edit: Still bugged 9/4/24
Just piggy backing on this one because the issues are probably related/linked on the back end. The same thing is happening with both versions of the L4D shirts (red, and black version). It is displaying correctly from my perspective if I am playing as Nea and the shirts are equipped, but the perspective of other people in the lobby is they see the default shirt.
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8.2.1 Bugfix patch and this is still ongoing.
Below I attached another screenshot of my pov (PC Steam Player) and the killer streamers pov (PC Epic Store). The shirt is bugged for all non steam users. I also attached a third screenshot of how its bugged against singularity when slipstreamed. It appears all black and untextured.
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Just tested and diahype now appears correctly to non-pc players as of 8.4.0. Killer POV below is on Epics (which used to appear as default) and survivor POV on steam. Thank you.