Decisive Strike bugged by any chance?

BanditFelix Member Posts: 4
edited June 4 in Bug Reporting

I brought decisive as I wanted to test get a feel of the new map in case if I was tunneled while checking it out, but I happened to see that my perk didn't deactivate while working on the gen.

I'm not sure if you get the chance to escape if you do get grabbed/picked up by the perk as I haven't been able to test that, but if anybody can, can you try it out?

If you do get a chance to wiggle out by DS despite doing a conspicuous action, the perk will probably need to be kill-switched imo.

Post edited by BoxGhost on
3 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review
