The Onryo's Tv was inaccessible on Hawkins National Laboratory.

Foolish_Skeleton Member Posts: 2
edited June 5 in Bug Reporting

This happened June 1st, during a Chaos Shuffle match while I was playing survivor (Sable) against an Onryo. Both the Onryo and I were playing on Playstation, but I couldn't message them to ask for their perspective during the match. I found a Tv that spawned inside of a table and chair situation on the Hawkins map. Showed the killer hthe issue and during the span of 3 minutes I tried to find out if there was any way that the Tv could still be used. It didn't seem like Sadako could teleport to the Tv and by pure luck or fate the first and only tape I got that match went to the broken Tv, and I could not insert the tape whatsoever. I only noticed the issue occuring to 1 Tv, and I have not ran into another Onryo on the Labroatory to test it. If it's needed, my account name on PS4 is: MadXoXHatter13

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