The Vecna nerf complaints

I am convinced that the people who are complaining about Vecna's Mage Hand being nerfed legitimately only play killer and have no experience of what Vecna is like as survivor.

Survivor has been miserable since yesterday


  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    The small nerf it is getting surely won't be a big deal though, Mage Hand will still be good. I think it's good that they are nerfing Mage Hand just a bit beyond the Enduring interaction.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 620

    Where is the info on the Mage Hand nerf?

  • tyantlmumagjiaonuha
    tyantlmumagjiaonuha Member Posts: 550

    I knew wonder BhVR was sold in an enhanced state from PTB and then immediately nerfed, which was the norm.

    Since this comes after the last few days when the ways to get around and deal with the chase against the rich have started to become a little more popular, maybe they don't even want to give the survivor players the pleasure of trial and error at the earliest.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,732

    yup, playing for stun is the counterplay if you have no distance and spell still going off after a stun removes any potential counterplay, except praying to get that 7% haste magic item.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,958

    Then why is the mage hand presumably getting nerfed outside of the enduring "tech"?

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I would argue it isn't quite. It can lead to free hits a bit too often. I would have rather nerfed the movement speed of Mage Hand a bit though, but I guess increasing the time it takes to lift a pallet is also fine.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,732

    is it? honestly i haven't played the game since the release so don't know much. it does seem to be in good place, hopefully they don't make it useless.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,958

    Its a mindgame power. Survivors that mindlessly play around pallets get heavily punished, while making good reads is hevaily rewarded (except enduring).

    Seems good to me.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    I've found Mage Hand to have very little counterplay.

    You throw the pallet, and Mage Hand lifts it before you can gain any sort of real distance resulting in a free hit.

    You greed the pallet, and by time Mage Hand expires, you still get hit.

    You leave the loop, and Vecna immediately catches up to you.

    It certainly doesn't help that there's little to no information currently available on how you should counter Mage Hand.

  • TerraEsram
    TerraEsram Member Posts: 653

    Ok about the mage hand, but what about the two hit action? Where Vecna can launch his skelettons and hit you immediatly with the M1?

    It's the only problem for me as survivor, the mage hand is… Not really a problem I think

  • albertoplus
    albertoplus Member Posts: 288

    How can he do it? it is a bug?

    When you launch the (totally crouchable) skeletons, Vecna still has some slowdown and a small delay.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,990

    I only escaped a game against Vecna once… because he let me go

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    What's worse is addon nerfs and FoTD nerfs, those can very well kill the killer just like they did with merchant chucky and the sadako

  • TerraEsram
    TerraEsram Member Posts: 653

    Technically, yes, when I play him, it's the case
    But I got two three Vecna when he launch his skeletons, you crouch (or not) and got at you immediatly and hit you in the same times than the skeletons

    I want to face more Vecna for understanding how to avoid that, or how they do that

  • Techy
    Techy Member Posts: 1

    Nerfing his only reliable chase power is crazy, not talking about that you even are to keep the pallet

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 842

    I've been trying to treat him like a chainsaw killer; give him a wide berth by pre running and being aware and force him to spend as much time it takes to hook you.

    It's tight but making a correct read on whether or not Vecna will use Mage Hand or bait you does seem to help a little bit.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    At my MMR, there's a 90% chance that Vecna will use Mage Hand. Whether it's to block the pallet, or lift it. I can still run him for a decent amount of time, I just feel like there isn't enough counterplay surrounding the usage of pallets.

    I see Vecna casting Mage Hand, so I throw the pallet to buy a little time, but the Pallet is lifted almost as soon as the animation to throw it has finished. Hopefully this small nerf will change that. If not, guess I'll just have to figure out which loops I can greed and which ones I can't when playing against Vecna.

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808

    Im so glad i did not buy this chapter Vecna only decent power is getting nerfed now hes just back to being DTier FOTD aint gonna be anything useful cause crouching it is stupid easy flight and orb aint gonna help hes going back to PTB Vecna strength as an m1 killer

    i encourage everyone to not buy future chapters on release day give it a week or two

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,444

    This new change makes mage hand worst that the ptb version, so you should not even worry about it existing in the first place after the update.

  • Blizer
    Blizer Member Posts: 43

    Not defending the nerf, but considering its new chapter, and we got a bunch of people playing again like every new chapter, the more casual playerbase is struggling with dealing with it right now (Even though if you get the Mage Hand Item, it actually is pretty good against it.)

    Agree with this, playing Greedy with the pallet, with the Mage Hand item is the best way to play against it, and if he uses it to hold the pallet, you get another loop and you can stun him, or atleast make him break the pallet while you get to another loop.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,281

    I like Vecna i really do, but i am starting to notice some issues. Mage hand. Its really hard to dodge. Yeah it wont last long but trying to survive another loop will result a hit or down. Fact that he can just stop a pallet or raise a pallet and walk through with almost 0 cooldown is a problem.

    Second problem i have is his flight of the damned. The skill itself is fine. I have no issues of killers having ranged attacks, but i have an issue that when he uses it in chase you eather crouch and get hit by Vecna himself or don't crouch and take the hit from the skulls. There is no avoiding being hit. This is while in chase. Off chase that attack is easy to dodge.

    So i'm not sure if he's just another W killer who forces you to run forward until you go down. His cooldowns are long yes but he technically has 2 skills that will give him 2 hits no matter what in chase and me personally i am not a fan of hits you have no way to avoid.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,444

    Actually true, I forgot that part, maybe the lack of the stun can make it work. Well have to see, im just glad I didnt get vecna before.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Mage Hand is a bit overtuned, but FoTD is fine in my opinion. There are more than enough situations in which crouching to dodge FoTD doesn't result in a basic attack hit. And if you try to dodge in between the skeletons, chances are you lose less distance by doing so.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,444

    Cant you just keep running between the gaps of flight of the damned tho? Unless vecna spawn them directly inside your hitbox you can move slightly to position yourself in the gaps if you dont wanna crouch.

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373
    edited June 7

    I wouldn't consider that a tech

    Techs require some thought process like orobending or cj.

    Because I can call slapping enduring and 2 charge addons on bubba and call that a teck then

  • Akumos
    Akumos Member Posts: 16

    Mage hand literally serves no purpose if you can't get hits on pallets off of it.. like the entire spells use is to deal with pallets. I guess it interacts with lockers in some way but it seems way too meme.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,958

    I wouldnt call it a tech. Therefore my markings…

    Lets be honest, a CJ often means less though process XD

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,937

    The first one isn't even a nerf because using Mage Hand right on top of a Survivor is the best play, so reducing the range from 16 to 14 m does nothing.

    And increasing the pick up time to 0.5 probably won't be to harsh either, picking up a pallet was already better in the PTB than holding down the pallet and gave you hits most of the time.. and that was when Vecna had that extremely harsh speed penalty of 2.3 m/s on top of the 0.5 sec animation.

    Now he'll pick it up in 0.5 seconds once again BUT will move at 3.68 m/s, which is still.. barely any distance lost. So it'll still be a free hit most of the time.

  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 561

    A friend of mine - she is one of the best DBD players i know - made some testing with Vecna and his Flight, Mage Hand and Flight of The Dammned and concluded it can be countered by pre-dropping a pallet and standing right next to it. Vecna cooldowns are long enough to just body block him before he can use the M1 for Mage Hand or you can "window tech" Vecna after he uses flight by standing right next to the pallet - Vecna gets teleported right behind the survivor, giving enough time to vault; staying crouched make Flight of Dammned harmless.

    Really, this killer has MANY counters.

  • bornagain234
    bornagain234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336

    If I got to vs a vecna id let you know

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,440

    I think they are moving too fast. They need to fix the obvious bug and then wait and see how it goes.

    The reality is, there is a mindgame there, but survivors haven't learned it yet and because of that they are having a hard time. I have played against vecna quite a bit at this point and the mindgame is really easy once you get the hang of it.

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808

    were forgetting Vecna cant attack for a set time when using mage hand so on small loops MH will be useless

  • Merciless_Killer
    Merciless_Killer Member Posts: 115

    I have already gone against multiple survivors who have successfully dodged mage hand. The only thing hard about it imo is getting out of the mindset of camping or pre-dropping pallets. Which a lot of survivors like to do and it works against a lot of killers even though it really shouldn't.

  • RhodosGuard
    RhodosGuard Member Posts: 58

    Since people are talking about FoTD, I just recently, very roughly, ran the numbers.

    While casting Vecna is slowed to 4.0 (losing 0.6)
    For 2 Seconds after Casing, Vecna is Slowed to 3.68 (losing 0.92)

    If you cast for 1 second considering Aiming and predicting Movement,
    the slowdown over those 3 seconds is 2.34m

    The real question is how long a survivor has to crouch.
    Let's say he crouches for a whole second but keeps pressing W.
    Then for that whole second he loses 2.87

    Meaning that in that space of time, Vecna gains 0.53 Meters on a survivor.
    If during that time both parties just held W, Vecna would have gained 1.8 meters.

    So if the excuse for FoTD being dodged by crouching is "but the survivor is slow"
    Then that is technically true, but it is still worse in terms of chase power than just pressing W.

  • BembridgeScholars
    BembridgeScholars Member Posts: 68

    It's not about if they only play killer. The bottom line is, it hasn't even been a week since he was released and people are already whining about him. Most people haven't even learned how to play with him, which is what the problem is. But of course, they cater to the whiners as usual. There's nothing wrong with him, and he's already counterable.

    On top of that, his cooldowns are long and to be honest his abilities aren't even all that. The only good one is the hand they want to nerf. I rarely ever even see anyone using his other abilities, probably because they're also counterable with the items you get from the chests. But even so, now they nerf his abilities on top of already long cooldowns and his one good ability?

  • Senaxu
    Senaxu Member Posts: 200

    People will always complain if they don't have regular 4k's after 10 games.

    That's what it is, you don't even need to discuss it, it's a hard fact.

    I would also like to be able to speak Chinese by tomorrow. If I can't do it, I definitely expect Chinese to become easier… kappa

  • NotAnotherDoctor
    NotAnotherDoctor Member Posts: 291

    High disagree, people aren't learning counter play because there is no counter play.

    You get to a pallet, he uses mage hand and lifts it and retains his speed. You get hit.

    You duck his skulls, he retains his speed, you get hit.