Infinate hook, survs unable to interact so was killer, floating in mid air not on hook.

atrain29x Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

I was playing as huntress on the movie theatre map, to cut it short i was carrying a sable to hook, another sable went to body block the hook. I tried to hook the sable as the prompt to do so showed up for a split second, however it didnt work, then i tried to drop the sable and chase the other one. When i did this it made the hook sound, and she screamed, but floated in the air where i dropped her rather then on hook. It was kinda funny at first until i started thinking she was stuck so i got the survs to try and unhook her and it didnt work, they also couldnt sabo the hook. the anti face camping meter also didnt work, her progression bar from the entity also didnt go down. she was stuck through and through, we even finished the game me and the sruvs we just casually farmed the rest of the match after witnessing that. after which end game collapse occured, i was stuck in the game for a good 5 minutes after the collapse finished, i was scared id have to hard reset the game because nothing happened when the timer reached 0 then the sables entity progression on hook finally went to 0 but thats all that changed she was considered sacrificed at games end. I have plenty of clips to show this if need be im fairly certain it was somthing to do with trying to hook her and dropping her and the game picking up to late that i wanted to hook her. Please look into this and fix it ASAP i felt so bad for that sable and she left 10 min after sitting on hook doing nothing while the other two survs did three gens and farmed with me there was nothing we could do. Thank you for reading and ill link a picture from one

of the clips here but i have more if need be.

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