New map, buggy teleporters

Starving Member Posts: 1
edited June 7 in Bug Reporting

I am on pc and was playing with my boyfriend when we spawned on the new Vecna map at first we were amazed by it but then my boyfriend used a teleporter and got stuck, he was the only player left and unfortuantly the hatch spawned right in front of him, but couldn't escape due to being stuck in the teleporter wall.

Then we played on the map for the second time and I got stuck in the same spot as he did ( will include pictures) and it seems to be just that teleporter thats giving issues when you teleport from the other room to outside.

I can point and be seen by the killer but can't be hit at all.

Post edited by EQWashu on
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Duplicate · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue. This problem has already been reported and it's currently under review.

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