Map - Temple of Purgation and Vecna's Hand (+ Vecna's items don't show an icon)

Batusalen Member Posts: 1,258

While playing with Vecna in Temple of Purgation, a survivor that had the Vecna's Hand teleported using a locker. The problem is, he teleported into one of the lockers on the underground layer of the temple, with the gen not being done and no way of healing. In other words, he got stuck in there.

  • Step 1 : Play against Vecna.
  • Step 2 : Get RNGesus to bless you and get Vecna's Hand
  • Step 3 : Use a locker to teleport and have RNG teleport to your new cell.
  • Step 4 : Enjoy being a prisoner until someone does the gen that opens the doors.

Also, if you look at Ace's item icons, you will see that they don't show that he has Vecna's hand. This is not the first time that happens, and sometimes survivors get one of the two items but the icon is not shown.

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