One shot attack spamming

DankJustDank Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2
edited June 8 in Bug Reporting

Why can the killers spam their 1 shot abilities? They absolutely abuse it. Make it to where certain abilities have a cool down that increases with every use. I love watching as a hillbilly is flying across the map at mach Jesus and wipes all the survivors in literal seconds. We literally CANNOT FIGHT BACK so having any 1 shot ability is broken as can be. If we could defend ourselves, that's a different story, but just watching these 1 shot killers murder everyone within 2 minutes, makes the game not even fun to play. Killers ABUSE their abilities.

Post edited by EQWashu on
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  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 2,992

    This is not a Bug Report. This should go in the Feedback channel.

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