Infinite hook bug

AxoArctic Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

Platform: PC

Description of the issue: So when i was playing a game as artist, I hooked a claudette while someone was attempting to body block me, the body block worked and i attempted to drop claudette, when i did claudette became hooked mid air (Away from the hook) and the timer stopped, they were floating their for the entire game, noone could unhook her, nor would the timer kill her, I let the rest of the survivors live because it ruined their entire game, and in the end wasted my time aswell, because it took about 3 minutes after the end game timer expired, and the claudette dcing for her to finally die. If it matters at all the claudette's perks were "Urban evasion" "Sprint burst" "Breakdown" and "Distortion", if the perks caused it i would assume it was a bug with breakdown.

Steps to reproduce: It would likely be getting bodyblocked from the hook and then dropping the survivor (I have noone to test it again with though.)

How often does this occur: I've only experienced this once as of now/

It won't allow me to submit the files for the videos as they're above 50 MB so i'll send the links to them.
Please look into this as it threw the survivors entire game, and wasted alot of my time. thank you :)

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Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review.