flight of the damned bug

toohigh Member Posts: 10
edited June 9 in Bug Reporting

I've only seen this once and i haven't heard anything about it so i'm just gonna assume that it's not how his power should be. when playing against a vecna he was able to put his flight of the damned IN the floor making it impossible to duck under ( note this isn't him doing it while he's on a lower elevation. just flatass ground ) happened on ormond. first by the side of main ( the side with the little lodge with stairs ) second by the front of main. it wasn't iri either because all of them were there

Post edited by toohigh on
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Need more info · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue. When you are able, please let us know the platform you are playing on, the map played on, and (if you can recall) the Killer's add-ons. Thank you.


  • BugReporterOnly
    BugReporterOnly Member Posts: 381
    edited June 9

    You might want to add nore info like platform map and the area of the map it happened on. I also by the sounds of it don't think he was using his red add on that makes them lower to the ground with just two.