Insane Performance Issues Since the UE5 Update - Worse After the D&D Chapter Release

SlowLoris Member Posts: 282
edited June 11 in Bug Reporting

Hi there, I figured you guys were aware of this issue, so we'd see a fix soon, but it seems to only be getting worse.

Ever since the UE5 update, the game is eating an INSANE AMOUNT OF RESOURCES. This can be even worse on some maps like Nostromo or Red Forest.

I usually run the game on Ultra settings, while streaming as well. I have my FPS capped at 72, and have no issues NORMALLY.

Once the UE5 update dropped it became absolute suffering to stream this game. If I alt tabbed to do literally anything my pc would lag, but it was tolerable. If I wanted to share a video clip on stream, or do something special with chat, I'd have to wait a bit, give the non-DBD programs time to catch up, but I COULD do things, I'd just have to wait.

However, since the D&D update….this is a million times worse. If I alt tab to do anything, my PC almost dies. The stream drastically drops FPS, and so does the game. Sometimes it will make Windows and OBS just go completely unresponsive, possibly leading to a full system crash/forced restart. I've even lowered my settings to Medium to try and give some form of overhead, but ti's not helping almost at all.

I'm not saying I have the beefiest PC around, but I have a rather decent one.

  • RTX 3080
  • 32GB DDR4 RAM
  • AMD Ryzen 7 5800X

Below is a tweet that I made, so I could upload a clip and show you what this is like. I'm normally VERY understanding when issues pop up in this game, but this just isn't acceptable. I have so many special scenes, etc that I use during my stream, but I can't anymore, or my PC will die. My CPU basically permanently shows it's running at 99% and has no breathing room. I am not the only person to report this problem, and many other creators on Twitter with even BETTER PCs than me are experiencing it as well.

I've tried swapping back to DX11 and it does help quite a bit with the resources, but it has massive input delay and constant FPS stutters, especially on some of the maps I mentioned above.

I feel like I remember hearing you guys say that you had a fix in the works for this on the D&D PTB, and you'd be testing it to deploy if it helped…what happened to that? It wasn't perfect - it didn't solve it entirely, but it was at least 50% better than it was on UE5 release. Now it's twice as bad as it was on release.

I stream this game 5 days a week, and I'm truly thinking about taking a break, because I feel like I can't be interactive with my chat at all. It's just game play and talking. Nothing special, just the game. Someone wants to share an interesting picture or DBD video with the community, or just show show me something funny? "Sorry, I have to wait till stream is over, so I don't have to completely close the game, so I can look at it".

This is the least I've enjoyed streaming the game in all of my 8k hours.

Any insight would be appreciated.

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