Option to disable "item preview" box

Can we please get an option in settings to disable the item preview window? A lot of the playerbase already know what each item does and don't need it and it's constantly blocking the view of important things. For example if you're healing beside an item, the box will block the progress bar which is a problem when you want to know if you have time to finish a heal before the killer comes.

This item preview feature is really only useful for new players and now it's inconveniencing players who don't need it. Please just give us the choice instead of forcing it on everyone.


  • moputopia
    moputopia Member Posts: 151

    Seconded, I would love an option for that. I find the text boxes really cluttered and unnecessary.

    At least let us disable it for regular items that I can read about in my inventory whenever I want. I can maybe see the preview boxes be helpful for special items, but personally I think they should have stayed against Vecna only.