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PC - Levitating survivor pickup, game doesn't end

EctoFox Member Posts: 1
edited June 2024 in Bug Reporting

Can't get it to repeat, but during the anniversary event game mode, I was playing as spirit. I picked up a Leon, and during the animation, I was spamming the remote hook button so I wouldn't get beamed. I did, however, get flashlight stunned, but both the remote hook and stun animations played for me. Leon then was floating in the carrying position for the rest of the game, flying in front of my camera when I looked around. When other survivors were hooked, he was also hooked inside of them, then flew up to above me again to wiggle. All attempts to drop him or get stunned again to drop him didn't have any effect. Once all others were dead, I closed the hatch, but even after waiting through a grueling endgame collapse, he made the noise like he had just died, but then kept struggling. Game didn't end. I quit so he could get escape points, and nothing else seemed to remove us from purgatory. I assume it's something to do with being stunned on the same frame as remote hooking, but it must be really precise then, because I was unable to repeat it. I'll attach the log, but 1 game was played since then so I don't know if that matters, but if you need to find the right game or something that might be important idk

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