This Discussion is old and sad

Rystionn Member Posts: 20
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

It's a nice day. You get off from school / work, you get home and after chilling down, you feel like playing some good ol' Dead By Daylight. You start up the game and select survivor. You've put around 3,000+ hours into the game, and have all the perks on almost every killer/survivor. You find a match and get into a lobby. You ready up and boom, the game begins. You start, with your signature username "DS-ONLY". The killer takes notice in you being the obsession. After working on a gen halfway, your heart begins to beat. Bum bum... BUM BUM. The music begins to change, and you realize, you are not alone. You become immersed, and with your URBAN EVASION... You sneak around the generator. You see the killer, The Legion. Under your breath, you laugh... A smirk goes across your face, wider than the one on the Legions mask. "It's show time..." You mutter. The Legion spots you behind the tree, and with all your might and hope into your P3 Meg... You press shift...

Your feet kick off at 150% movement speed, bursting away from the killer. He's activated feral frenzy and is in hot pursuit. You notice a pallet and start running towards it. he's gaining, and just a few feet away from the pallet you can see the slightest red tint of his stain on your heels.

He lunges as you reach for the pallet. It slams on his head, just before the knife makes contact. You... begin to teabag from beyond the pallet? You're mashing the crouch button. Pressing it so much, you're gaining pleasure and satisfaction. You can't stop. You've got a massive grin on your face. He begins to break the pallet and you run, but not after you point at him at least once. A few several minutes later, he is still chasing you. You're injured and after 4 gens have already been completed in this one chase, you reach a final pallet. You throw it down and he begins to kick it, you accept that you may go down. As his final kick destroys the rotten wood. You hear a sound... almost like a siren. Your heart begins to race... You feel better than ever. You're smirk becomes a grim smile... Adrenaline.

You run as fast as possible from the killer, but he catches up with his power. Your friend is opening the gate in the distance... Freedom is in sight. You can take a hit, the extra boost will save you. You get closer to the gate but the Legion gets a hit off. You fall to the ground and look closely... NOED. You aren't worried. You have a final trick up your sleeve. As he picks you up, just feet away from the gate. You pull out a sharp rock from your back pocket. You time your attack, and just like that... The killer yells in agony from the sharp pain in his shoulder. You drop to the floor and make your final sprint towards the door. You are almost out, and just before you reach the flat plains... You stop.

Why are you stopping? You slowly turn towards the door. The Legion is standing there, watching you get healed by your teammates. All together, you stand there and stare into the Legions eyes. You all start mashing the crouch button once more, faster than you could comprehend. Such toxicity, such excitement in your mind. You point and signal for the killer to come here, and just as he activates his power, you all run out.

Entity Displeased. After chat, you mock him for playing such a bad killer and tell him to get good. "You're trash, #########" is put into the chat. Why would you do this...? There is no reason, and with your final smile... You click "leave match".

You sit there... happy from your experience. You take a drink from your monster energy drink, and with one swift motion. You queue again, to find your next victim.

Thanks for reading my stroy, it's based off a true story. In all seriousness, the toxicity is just getting worse. Some players out there are nice, but it's not always a fun experience.

Have a nice day by the campfire. <3

Post edited by Rystionn on


  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    I need a TL;DR.
    Anyway, where did you get the data of DbD losing players from?
  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    This story was first published in September 2016 minus the legion.

    Since then the game has had up and downs but in the last year has been growing more than anyone expected.
  • ForeheadSurviors
    ForeheadSurviors Member Posts: 154
     :'( Out there somewhere some actually cares for your concern.
  • Luc_ius
    Luc_ius Member Posts: 155

    I am sorry, but it's too long, can someone tell me short version ?
    No offense, but I am too tired today :D.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141
    Quality story, but inaccurate.  Killer didn’t DC. 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Rystionn said:
    It's a nice day. You get off from school / work, you get home and after chilling down, you feel like playing some good ol' Dead By Daylight. You start up the game and select survivor. You've put around 3,000+ hours into the game, and have all the perks on almost every killer/survivor. You find a match and get into a lobby. You ready up and boom, the game begins. You start, with your signature username "DS-ONLY". The killer takes notice in you being the obsession. After working on a gen halfway, your heart begins to beat. Bum bum... BUM BUM. The music begins to change, and you realize, you are not alone. You become immersed, and with your URBAN EVASION... You sneak around the generator. You see the killer, The Legion. Under your breath, you laugh... A smirk goes across your face, wider than the one on the Legions mask. "It's show time..." You mutter. The Legion spots you behind the tree, and with all your might and hope into your P3 Meg... You press shift...

    Your feet kick off at 150% movement speed, bursting away from the killer. He's activated feral frenzy and is in hot pursuit. You notice a pallet and start running towards it. he's gaining, and just a few feet away from the pallet you can see the slightest red tint of his stain on your heels.

    He lunges as you reach for the pallet. It slams on his head, just before the knife makes contact. You... begin to teabag from beyond the pallet? You're mashing the crouch button. Pressing it so much, you're gaining pleasure and satisfaction. You can't stop. You've got a massive grin on your face. He begins to break the pallet and you run, but not after you point at him at least once. A few several minutes later, he is still chasing you. You're injured and after 4 gens have already been completed in this one chase, you reach a final pallet. You throw it down and he begins to kick it, you accept that you may go down. As his final kick destroys the rotten wood. You hear a sound... almost like a siren. Your heart begins to race... You feel better than ever. You're smirk becomes a grim smile... Adrenaline.

    You run as fast as possible from the killer, but he catches up with his power. Your friend is opening the gate in the distance... Freedom is in sight. You can take a hit, the extra boost will save you. You get closer to the gate but the Legion gets a hit off. You fall to the ground and look closely... NOED. You aren't worried. You have a final trick up your sleeve. As he picks you up, just feet away from the gate. You pull out a sharp rock from your back pocket. You time your attack, and just like that... The killer yells in agony from the sharp pain in his shoulder. You drop to the floor and make your final sprint towards the door. You are almost out, and just before you reach the flat plains... You stop.

    Why are you stopping? You slowly turn towards the door. The Legion is standing there, watching you get healed by your teammates. All together, you stand there and stare into the Legions eyes. You all start mashing the crouch button once more, faster than you could comprehend. Such toxicity, such excitement in your mind. You point and signal for the killer to come here, and just as he activates his power, you all run out.

    Entity Displeased. After chat, you mock him for playing such a bad killer and tell him to get good. "You're trash, [BAD WORD]" is put into the chat. Why would you do this...? There is no reason, and with your final smile... You click "leave match".

    You sit there... happy from your experience. You take a drink from your monster energy drink, and with one swift motion. You queue again, to find your next victim.

    Thanks for reading my stroy, it's based off a true story. In all seriousness, the toxicity is just getting worse. Some players out there are nice, but it's not always a fun experience.

    Have a nice day by the campfire. <3

    Sad but true.

  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965
    I read this like a goosebump book. Just was missing the twist at end. I know "the killer rage leaves them blind and sees you come back to there lobby again at the last moment"
  • Rystionn
    Rystionn Member Posts: 20
    edited January 2019
    This story was first published in September 2016 minus the legion.

    Since then the game has had up and downs but in the last year has been growing more than anyone expected.
    It's been growing in player base, which is good, but i also getting more and more toxic with these new players.
  • AntiJelly
    AntiJelly Member Posts: 1,155

    @Vietfox said:
    I need a TL;DR.
    Anyway, where did you get the data of DbD losing players from?

    There is no TL;DR. You must read the entire post to understand.

  • Rystionn
    Rystionn Member Posts: 20
    edited January 2019
    So the point of this story is that DBD is losing players due to the high toxicity levels? 
    I wouldn't say MAINLY due to high toxicity but it is a big factor. 
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Vietfox said:
    I need a TL;DR.
    Anyway, where did you get the data of DbD losing players from?

    There is no TL;DR. You must read the entire post to understand.

  • Rystionn
    Rystionn Member Posts: 20
    edited January 2019
    Luc_ius said:

    I am sorry, but it's too long, can someone tell me short version ?
    No offense, but I am too tired today :D.

    It's a story of a toxic player. In the end, I explain that it's what happens at least once on a daily basis. 
  • AntiJelly
    AntiJelly Member Posts: 1,155

    @Vietfox said:
    @AntiJelly said:

    @Vietfox said:

    I need a TL;DR.

    Anyway, where did you get the data of DbD losing players from?

    There is no TL;DR. You must read the entire post to understand.


    Heretic! You must!

  • Rystionn
    Rystionn Member Posts: 20
    AntiJelly said:

    @Vietfox said:
    @AntiJelly said:

    @Vietfox said:

    I need a TL;DR.

    Anyway, where did you get the data of DbD losing players from?

    There is no TL;DR. You must read the entire post to understand.


    Heretic! You must!

    It's long, but I think you'll enjoy it.
  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    If you can't down a player after several minutes as Legion you deserve to lose. Also dbd is not losing players. nice bait

  • Rystionn
    Rystionn Member Posts: 20
     :'( Out there somewhere some actually cares for your concern.
    Can't tell if this is supposed to be against me or with me but I'll take the meme.
  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    I got 5 Reverse Bear Trap kills the last time I played DBD.  2 in one trial, too.  Pretty good stuff.
  • Rystionn
    Rystionn Member Posts: 20
    PolarBear said:

    If you can't down a player after several minutes as Legion you deserve to lose. Also dbd is not losing players. nice bait

    The actual concern for the post is that some players deal with this on a daily basis. It may be a new legion or not. Either way, there are still some experiences where it is difficult to down anyone depending on the survivor, and if they have a very coordinated group. People don't "deserve to lose" if they simply can't down someone. I'm surprised if you even read the whole thing without jumping to conclusions. And the game is indeed losing a good amount of players, for a variety of reasons. It's not bait, it's an example that I wrote to be comedic, but I still provided an idea in the end of the games state. 
  • Raven24
    Raven24 Member Posts: 43

    While i understand your concerns, i see no proof that the playerbase is shrinking. Do you have evidence?

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    @Rystionn said:
    PolarBear said:

    If you can't down a player after several minutes as Legion you deserve to lose. Also dbd is not losing players. nice bait

    The actual concern for the post is that some players deal with this on a daily basis. It may be a new legion or not. Either way, there are still some experiences where it is difficult to down anyone depending on the survivor, and if they have a very coordinated group. People don't "deserve to lose" if they simply can't down someone. I'm surprised if you even read the whole thing without jumping to conclusions. And the game is indeed losing a good amount of players, for a variety of reasons. It's not bait, it's an example that I wrote to be comedic, but I still provided an idea in the end of the games state. 

    In the last 6 months, dbd player count has averaged at around 20k players and it hasn't gone up or down significantly.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    It's been going up. Take a look at the PS4 and XBOX community.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,613
    25k on average lately.

    Yup, we're definitely losing way too many consistent players! D:
    I know more than anyone that it can sometimes be hard to detect sarcasm in online comments.
    So just in case: /s /s /s /s /s /s /s

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @Vietfox said:
    @AntiJelly said:

    @Vietfox said:

    I need a TL;DR.

    Anyway, where did you get the data of DbD losing players from?

    There is no TL;DR. You must read the entire post to understand.


    (Insert 75% of any Killer game)

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    I had a Killer nod his head and hit me with his weapon while on the hook for the entire 2 minutes.

    He had missed 9 shots before downing me just by his regular swings.

    Was I mad? No. I laughed. My sister was with me, and so did she. If you think this game will die to toxicity, then good bye every single multiplayer game lol

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    People have been predicting the end to League of Legends since it came out and now look where it is.