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FPS Bug on console

Frames drops severely on certain maps inside or in close proximity to main buildings and inside basement. It affects skill checks too, not just movement. Maps that are extreme are RPD (any variation), Garden of Joy, Haddonfield and Forgotten Ruins (room with monster easter egg). Maps with smaller main buildings that are more open has 0 FPS issues. Characters tested are every single one I own, which is mostly everyone and bug appears while playing killer as well as survivour.
Platform: Xbox Series X
Troubleshooting: Turn off FSR, clear console cache, reset console, update console & reinstalled the game.
NB: This only started happening after Vecna chapter update and is persistent after 8th year anniversary update.
Caught the FPS drop perfectly on recording →
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Is there any way to fix this issue?It seems like it’s still happening to me:(
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Hey, there are no fixes that I've found. I'm also still experiencing it. They don't seem to want to take it seriously as this report has been up here for 4 months now already.
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Another clip
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Mods, PLEASE get this issue reported to the devs, i send so many tickets and nothing happened.
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I do not know if they will ever fix it.
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I hope they do!
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I hope so too. The fps drops I got on mother dwelling main building has stopped, but is still everywhere else is way worse on haddonfield by the gen in the basement. And of course garden of joy main building is horrible still
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Yeah, It is pretty annoying. It is impossible playing on those maps.. I really hope they fix it soon.
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Seems to be anywhere with small particle effects, like the lower floor of the small house in haddenfield, or playing as Freddy (dream world ash).
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That's true! Inside buildings with that is where it's sooo friggen bad.
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Yeah, plus when the killer is chasing you while you are inside of the buildings. It drops the FPS even more