Are you serious DBD ?

Ok So I really love the Mascarade, but i think it is the most prank i've ever ssen. You give killers the hability to one shot people, you give killers the hability to tp hook people, you give everything to make the game unbalanced. This mascarade is litterally broken for killers and unplayable for survivors. Half of the perks are useless cause killers can instant tp hook people, and we can't do anything but take the toxicity of killers in this game. I think you seriously need to play survivors cause you don't know what you're doing but you are killing this game years ago was really fun to play, but not today, You nerf most of our perk, you did that to that mascarade (We have nothing new compared to killers event habilities….), you buff most of the killers by reducing they're cooldown special and survivors? What can you do to improve survivor side? Take the time to see what you did and what you can do to rebalance the game. Have a nice day, and please play the both side of your game.
There is practically no "one shot" in invitation power in current event, and pretty sure hook denial perks only consists like 10% of entire survivor perks
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I cannot believe people are so tilted about the hook thing. I can go many games without a successful sabo or pallet save. There's no way it's effecting your gameplay that much.
Flashlight saves still work. I spent a whole game letting a "bully squad" save about a dozen times to see if I could get that weird bug where the saver gets hooked as instead. No luck, I think they have to be on last hook or something.
Also like everything you said is wrong. One shot? Perk nerfs? Cooldown reductions? Where do you get this stuff from?
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The issue is the time that's saved. Hooking survs takes no time and you can immediately go check on gens or chase someone that was close by. And every second counts in this game, so the insta hook is quite unbalanced.
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It's not about saves. It's about time and distance. - No time spent hooking means no time spent travelling to a hook. Not time spent hooking also means no way another surv can get to safety, if they happened to be somewhat close to a chase / got the short end of a variety of perks that give their location away and/or makes them exposed. If the average match lasts ~11 minutes, a good two minutes of those are the killer carrying a downed surv to a hook and moving from said hooked survivor to another one — that is, if they already know where the new survivor is. That's almost 10% of the entire match time just gone. Add to that the card with the aura reveal, which arguably helps killer way more than surv and the exposed and you got a massive advantage.
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Sure. Remove the hook thing since it tilts people so bad and it's apparently more of a menace than nurse and blight combined. The most overpowered thing that's ever existed in the game.
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no need to get sarcastic/passive aggressive. It can be a game deciding factor - and it actually is so often it's, at least imo, quite impactful on the whole event. at the end of the day, the event stuff is more on the gimmick, rather than the game changer side. And that hook mechanic is absolutely not a gimmick.
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I tried not using the remote hook thing. I'd walk over to a hook, it gets sabotaged, but thanks to the BASEKIT sabotage buffs last patch, they literally could outrun me to the next hook and sabotage that one, too. Ends up, the only hook options we even HAVE is remote hooks if survivors are actively sabotaging.
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What's your stream? I'd love to watch your unplayable games and how you're getting facecamped, somehow. Also flashlights work.
The game isn't supposed to be "equal". It's asymmetrical. Killers can always do more stuff than survivors because 1v1 any given survivor is supposed to be at a disadvantage.
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The instant hooking takes precedent over all other effects
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Yeah that's simply not true. You can get flashlight saves off it. I let a "bully squad" get over a dozen flashlight saves the other night while furiously hammering the hook key. It negates pallet saves though. How often do you get pallet saves? Survivors only get them on me very rarely.
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In this event only 1-2 I dont try to bully the killer isnt fun unless the Killer is being Toxic.