Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Are you serious DBD ?

Ok So I really love the Mascarade, but i think it is the most prank i've ever ssen. You give killers the hability to one shot people, you give killers the hability to tp hook people, you give everything to make the game unbalanced. This mascarade is litterally broken for killers and unplayable for survivors. Half of the perks are useless cause killers can instant tp hook people, and we can't do anything but take the toxicity of killers in this game. I think you seriously need to play survivors cause you don't know what you're doing but you are killing this game years ago was really fun to play, but not today, You nerf most of our perk, you did that to that mascarade (We have nothing new compared to killers event habilities….), you buff most of the killers by reducing they're cooldown special and survivors? What can you do to improve survivor side? Take the time to see what you did and what you can do to rebalance the game. Have a nice day, and please play the both side of your game.

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