Buff gen kicking, Nerf Gen defense perks


Put simply, instead of seeing pop pain res every single game just make gen kicking actually good, and nerf Gen defense perks commensurately, or rework them to do something tangentially useful that might also involve gens such as touching skill checks or maybe increasing the animation time required to start fixing a generator so that survivors have a harder time tapping them.

I would also suggest reworking to other now useless perks like hex ruin, for example instead of affecting all generators make it spawn a totem near the first generator you kick that gives old ruin 200% regression on that generator until the totem is dealt with.


  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 8,986
    edited June 18

    They did.

    Kicking a gen used to inflict 0 immediate regression, only start passive regression, which could be immediately halted by a survivor touching a gen for 0.01 seconds, which they could do mid-chase.

    Now a kick inflicts 5% instant regression, and requires survivors to hold onto it for 5 seconds before passive regression is halted.

    Pop use to inflict 25% total regression. If a gen was at 25% progress it went to zero.

    Now Pop inflicts 20% relative regression. If a gen is at 25% progress it now regresses by 5% (+ 5% base regression).

    I agree Ruin could do with a rework though. Any hex active at the start of the game is inherently more vulnerable and high risk, making for perks that either have no effect, or are strong enough to either be opressive when well hidden or wasted if found early.