Huntress' addon "Wooden Fox" needs a cooldown


Huntress' addon Wooden Fox:

"Grants Undetectable for 30 seconds after reloading."

Wooden Fox needs a cooldown in my opinion, because Huntress reloads so often that she's kinda Undetectable permanently what makes it OP.

Try to loop a killer who's Undetectable all the time and can snipe you from out of nowhere. Her lullaby is a too weak indicator because it's surrounding you and doesn't tell you her exact position.


  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 582

    She has 7 Hatchets at base kit, so she reloads Hatchets less compared to pre-buff Huntress. She has different strong Add-Ons that need a nerf or rework, not Fox.

  • lettuchia
    lettuchia Member Posts: 129

    Undetectable is already meh in general because the more coordinated the team is it becomes disproportionately less useful. Now add that to huntress having a lullaby which, while not giving immensely precise info, still gives info. Sorry but this is just a hard case to make, especially since solo survs getting decent qol features would already make this addon indirectly weaker