Suggestion: Balancing Killers with Quick Map Transvesals.

As the title suggests Killers that can quickly move across the map: Hillbilly, Blight, and Mastermind need to give Survivors a slight cooloff period in the form of reloading their power to balance their quick transversal powers. Especially with the amount of "Reveal Survivor Perks" in the game its getting ridiculous at this point.

Hillbilly: Now that has he has been buffed into the sky lets give him a fuel mechanic. After the 5th or 6th chainsaw attack. Make him run to a locker and have to use a 3-4 second reload animation. Trickster and Huntress have to do this about 15-20 times per match and they don't have cross map/ insta downs.

Blight.: No chill what so ever for survivors. An easy way to fix this is to place pulsating flower buds into the map to reload serum. (Not only is this lore friendly it makes sense instead of having an ever full syringe full of serum.) Blight will need to run to these flowers and play a 3 second reload animation after 15 or so blight charges.

Mastermind: Same as Blight no chill for survivors. Make him go and grab a needle full of Uroboros to reload his power after the 3rd-4th time he uses it to infect survivors.

If you are opposed to these, tell me why does every other Killer power have draw backs besides these?

Every Killer needs to either reload to wait to use their power. Missing a power attack and waiting 3-4 seconds before using it again does not count as a draw back.
