Playing killer isn't fun anymore because it's too easy to win

I main Twins and almost every game is an easy 4k (I blind them with Third Seal and slug all 4). The devs should understand that games are fun when they're challenging. some killers may have complained before 6.1 about any kind of survivor counterplay but listening to the loudest complainers is not a way to run your game. I would be happy if they introduced another game mode with stronger survivors for killers who want the game to be challenging again (for example shorter gen times in this hard mode).
Have you considered not running Third Seal and slugging all 4 of them?
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That's the thing, I shouldn't have to handicap myself to give the other side a chance. I want to be able to go all out with max effort trying to win each game and it still be challenging, just like every other pvp game.
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So we got a question: we're each of these survivors going all out as well?
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do you want a challenge? play freddy then…
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I genuinely can't tell if this is satire or not. If it isn't, the problem is in the very first sentence and put in little parentheses.
Slugging is the most boring way to possibly play DBD. The survivors don't like it because they can't do anything, and the killers usually don't like it because it's too easy, slow, and overall just a scummy way to play. And on top of that, you chose the slugging royalty that is the Twins (which is unfortunate for them because they're actually fun now).
When you play in a fun way and don't slug everyone, the game is fun. So again, I hope this is satire, because even a moron like me knows that that's common sense.
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people still play this like? like DBD is like street fighter/fighting game or FPS esports game with money on the like.
people got to remember this game so random and full of bugs it can never be a true esports game,also if your going to use the most broken add on or perks or best killer in the game you shouldn't complaining the side they play on to easy.
like swf group saying survivors to easy but the fact the they using voice chat and best items and add on or perks.
most play for the fun if we can.
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Well if you keep playing and slaughtering survivors, your MMR will eventually raise to the point where you'll get challenged.
The problem is, it takes an absurd amount of games to do so. From experience I'd say around ~100 games are needed, which, if you play rarely like me, can take literal years to reach.
The first time I played Nurse, I won 46 games in a row, all 4Ks, and despite me being pretty new. Now after about 2 years, I'm facing tryhard SWFs from time to time who send me to a map and make me lose, this didn't happen before. I still feel like the majority of games are slaughterfests and boring overall, but there are actually good SWFs who will give you a challenge.
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Holy crap I really can't tell if you're joking or not now.
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Can confirm, that's also not true.
Source: Completely anecdotal evidence of me never finding people both equal to my skill and equal to my mindset. I'm not gonna go all out and slaughter people just memeing.
I used to get one good match a week when I was playing a lot.
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How many games did you play on killer? I'm not joking, you really need to play in the order of hundreds. And that's for each killer (the MMR is not shared). It might be than even somebody like you hasn't played for long enough to reach it (maybe spend a bit less time posting on this forum /s )
If what's datamined is correct, one starts at 800 and gains +20 for a 4K, so to reach 2000 one would need 4K for 60 games in a row. But then, there's also a multiplier if the game is too short, and presumably one too if survivors DC, so 60 matches is really optimistic.
And finally, even if you reach top MMR you still might not realize you are because at most hours the matchmaking is unable to find enough high-MMR survivor SWFs, and panics when you sit in the queue for more than 10 sec
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i can easily see op's tactic, stomping on solo q and duos
TBF its an issue with the gaming community at large where players will optimize the fun out of the game but with this community you get players rely on meta and cheese tactics and then turn around and complain about only facing other players who rely on meta and cheese tactics.
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If you go all out on winning you are going to win most of your games.
Thing is that's true for both sides, but you need 4 players with same mindset on survivor side for this to be true.
DBD was always about what side wants to win more (use more resources) is more likely to win. There are things you simply can't overcome with skill.
If I bring tombstone piece into every game, then I am going to demolish most survivors group. You are going to need competitive level team to beat it. SoloQ or average SWF are not going to win against it.
The game is as difficult as you make it, if you don't want it easy, then don't make it...
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Literally thousands of hours.
Correct, there's not a lot of equal opponents, ergo, I don't find a lot of good matches. It's why I started dabbling in comp.
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Could you upload some of your Twins gameplay videos to YouTube and link it here? I’d like to see how well you perform and the Survivors in action.
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The real issue is survivor MMR makes no sense.
Killer MMR I've noticed change over time, I'm at the point where killers I barely touch go against full kitted survivors with 2 man to 4 man SWF groups that know every loop and counterplay to every perk setup and map. Meanwhile the killers I main don't get put against those same survivors, rarely if ever, and I get survivors who make a lot of mistakes, don't know how the mechanics work, and bully their teammates.
On survivor? Sometimes I get useful teams. But most of the time it's people losing chases quickly and disrespecting the killer's powers/perks/hexes. It feels like the 'escape to raise MMR/die to drop MMR' isn't working as intended, and REALLY needs to be better looked at to adjust to personal skill over escapes and deaths. I would feel better dying to get the other three out and still have what I did considered over the current situation.8 -
Yeah, killer is so easy I had to take breaks in-between Hag matches to de-stress. I had to do that because I was winning too much. s/
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Bingo. Why does every team I go against with Nurse and Hag perfectly know their counterplay, when I barely play those killers? Why can't I get competent teammates no matter how much I escape?
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You are specializing literally every aspect of your builds to soloq stomping, what did you expect
don't go for someone who seems to be new, solo, duo, and only pick the at least triple SWFs I guess
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We're getting the standard "if you win a lot as killer it must be because you're bad at the game & have low mmr" that you see whenever a killer says they have an easy time of playing the game; but I do find it interesting that we're also seeing of the same people who regularly say "god forbid killers try to win" when survivors complain about annoying strategies, now trying to invalidate OP's point because he uses a strategy survivors might consider annoying.
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What exactly do you expect if you go into a game blinding everyone so they can't really pick up each other and then slug them?
I literally 4 hooked games with pig just by using knock out, you with twins and third seal are so much worse to face, of course they lose xD
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If this person is really a super amazing killer player who never loses, 1) why don't you post some video of maybe 10 or so consecutive games and show us how it's done?; and 2) you could make some money as a comp DbD player/streamer, so why not do it?
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”I play in a scummy way where I slug all 4 survivors with blindness because my killer main was made for slugging, but I can’t get any fun matches.”
Thats what I’m reading
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This is why running fun builds and not caring about winning is the key 😃
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You are the god gamer - this game will never have any challenge for you left.
Now go for the no hit Dark Souls Trilogy Run!
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Max effort is fine, but the game is designed with difficulty sliders for both sides (which makes it very different than other games). If you want more of a challenge take weaker builds. You'll still have quite an advantage, but giving yourself an ideal build as killer will give you a massive edge.
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I don't know people are so surprised slugging with twins is still popular? I literally played against a ttv yesterday who was playing twins, slugged the whole team at 5 gens. When I asked if they were doing a kill streak or something they said, "No this is just how you play twins!" It's not as if this is uncommon?
Truth of it is, certain playstyles especially paired with certain killers or perks can make the game much much easier to win. If the playstyles weren't sucessfull then they wouldn't be playstyles at all, and certain perks designed to completely negate those playstyles, and build in mechanics in the game wouldn't have been added if it wasn't such a big problem.
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So. Im a Trickster Main and i play after midnight and i HUGELY DISAGREE with you. i suffer i lot almost all matches.
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I agree slugging is pretty boring but TBF when survivors body block hooks and constantly flashlight when picking someone up then the survivors force the hand of the killer to slug. And these same survivors complain about the slugging at the end when they lose. So it's not always possible to just not slug depending on the tactics used by the survivors
Most of the time these "scummy" ways to play or boring ways to play are the result of countering the opposition. That's just the game.
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I gotta say, as a Twins main, it is very difficult to avoid slugging. If survivors are not good enough to reset, meaning they just continue to heal each other in the same spot without relocating, then of course Victor is going to go for 2 attacks if you don't kick him.
Bt using third Seal is just disgusting. It will never win a match against actual swf teams, it just massively stomps solo q players who can't tell the duo swf and other solo where they are.
If you actually play this way, are you really winning? You probably don't get high hook devout emblems since you're just 4 hooking most of the time, third seal carries you when against solo survs, and you probably will lose to an actual swf that wants to win rather than mess around.
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Killer is easy? Well… you need to play 2v8 then. You will probably lose 5 generators for 1 hook, so have fun in the challenge of catching up the gen speed without any gen-perks.
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play perkless ?
that's what i do to challenge myself or in other games like elden ring ill do a run with the starter weapon without leveling it up. You can always make the challenges yourself .1 -
Because MMR is a placebo, truth is the range is so open once you get out of noob zone you're just thrown with everyone, I've beaten a 30k+ hr survivor squad just to turn around and get a lobby that consists of two veterans and two brand new players that don't know anything and don't even have a full loadout for that matter while using the same killer from the game before , alot of people are so comfortable with their main killers it's like second nature but if you don't switch it up often it can be easy to get rusty with some of these powers.
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I mean...
Twins is bad example cause they got a whole slew of buffs that were not really needed after their rework got reverted, that pushed them into the territory of being completely overpowered. I reckon they're probably in the top 3 killers now because for anyone halfway competant, there is barely any counterplay. Just play to keep everyone injured by chasing off hooks and then slug everyone to death.
Most people who understand Twins agree the buff to reduce Victor's stun when downing a survivor to 2.7s from 5s with literally no compensation was a bad idea...
I've made a thread about it and necroed it once already trying to get more awareness up on just how busted it is and how to go aboit fixing it.
However the issue doesn't get traction because most people don't really see Twins.
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Twins is one of my mains, and Twins takes almost no skill to play. Play another killer if you want a challenge.
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Quick question for killers:
I know BHVR have said that No Mither is intentionally a meme ‘hard mode’ perk for survivors, barring going perk less or just having a downright awful perk (of which exists on both sides) is there an equivalent perk for killers? Something which does have distinct benefits like no mither (less noise and can get up an unlimited amount - minus eventual bleedout lol)?
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That's just called DBD syndrome. Most players just arent as good as they believe or that they're solo Q.
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You should consider going comp? Go to DBDL discord and challenge some teams with your Twins. Curious to see your results
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I have an excellent strategy to prevent losing 5 gens to get 1 hook in 2v8. Great strategy I just came up with all on my own
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Rapid Brutality, if you're the type who equips perks and then proceeds to ignore/forget them
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Not gonna lie, I feel like if the game is based around Killers not using their strongest perks, while Survivors almost always using their strongest perks, there's an issue.
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I have a very easy time as killer as well which is why I don't use any slowdown perks. Brutal Strength, Lethal Pursuer, BBQ, and then a 4th perk for fun every game. I do this so that there's more of a challenge, why would I make things easier to play?
If you're having this issue and you're still playing in a way that makes it too easy, that is your fault. No one elses. The devs have to balance around average or lower skilled players or else the majority of players will leave. If that becomes a problem for you, change your playstyle or find something else to play.
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Too easy? lol….You should try my lobbies.