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End Game Collapse Bug (PS5)

Don’t know if it’s just a PS5 issue or on other platforms. I also don’t recall who I was playing or what map we were on, but I remember it very clearly. I had the last two survivors slugged and was carrying one to hook, once they died I tried looking for the last survivor (a Meg) while also looking for hatch.
Upon finding and closing hatch, Meg got picked up with adrenaline which is fine just got to find her nearby a gate. But for whatever reason, the End Game Collapse timer was still slowed down. It’s like the game recognized her as in the dying state instead of the injured state so the timer was permanently on 4 minutes until I hypothetically downed her again in which her maybe wiggling free fixed the timer (that I didn’t check so I don’t know if it does).
So being the last survivor, having hatch closed and picking yourself up with adrenaline causes the EGC timer to be slowed to the 4 minutes instead of the normal 2 minutes.