Bug Reporting

Bug Reporting

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PC - Out of bounds on Forgotten Ruins

Member Posts: 1
edited July 2024 in Bug Reporting

This problem appears very rarely, but I have encountered it with several different killers using completely different perks, so I don't think the killers or perks are related to the problem. This time I was playing without any perks as Wraith.

Two players exploited a map glitch. They fell under the map into a location that the killer (me) cannot access. For an extended period, they taunted me by emerging briefly to point fingers and then retreating back under the map whenever I approached. Eventually, t

he players left the game, but their bots remained stationary, forcing me to leave the match myself. As a result, I received a matchmaking ban, despite leaving a match where only bots remained.

Post edited by EQWashu on
1 votes

Duplicate · Last Updated

Thank you for your report. This is a known issue, and is being looked into by the Team: https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/categories/known-issues

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