Still waiting on Trickster changes and bug fixes

It's been almost 9 months since Tricksters rework was announced and we're still stuck with the same problems that the rework has had since it was shown to us. Trickster now feels more linear, easier, and less fun compared to his old version. Me and every other trickster main have given just about as much feedback as we could, and we are still getting absolutely no acknowledgement from BHVR at all, no fixes, no nothing.
I'll still always enjoy my favorite killer at the end of the day, but it's sad to see that he was mostly nerfed across the board in exchange for buffs that lower the killer's skill ceiling. I've already made several forum posts, a 30 minute video, and countless tweets over time about what's wrong with his rework, but tl;dr for those who don't know much about Trickster:
- He takes longer to down people with his knives than before, across the board.
- Having to hit more knives = Less ammo efficient, higher TTK, and survivors get more chances to break LOS before a health state is lost.
- No throw rate increases over time = Survivors are not punished for remaining out in the open for too long, and the continuous dull throwing speed feels terrible
- Add-ons have all been gutted in the rework, and the ones that are good now are overall unhealthy designs in their current states (i.e Memento Blades, Ricochet, Watch, etc)
- The rework introduced several bugs, including his throwing animation not working, his iconic wink animation in the lobby never plays, his voice lines while throwing no longer play, his combo laughs don't play at the right times, etc
- AND SO MUCH MORE !!!!!!!
This is a trend that started with Sadako and has continued until now and I'm sad to see that my killer is still a victim of it. We were told in the trickster feedback section back in january more changes would be on the way, and we have yet to hear a peep about them since, all we've seen is skins. I'm tired and genuinely want to know why Trickster has been left in this state.
If you wanna see my video on the topic, feel free to listen here:
Thanks for reading.