The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Player Hud Size


Great game, such a fan, etc.

Has the player Hud in a match gotten smaller in the past few updates? I've noticed it seems smaller, and I'm not entirely sure why. I kind of preferred the old size, it made things slightly easier to see and didn't take up too much space. The Hud scale settings in the Settings menu is already at 100%, so I can't make adjustments there.

As for the Survivor Hud in 2v8, I think the player icons and statuses are too small for a player to see what everyone is doing at a quick glace. Taking a moment to see who is working on a gen/ healing, etc takes up too much time and affects gameplay. Maybe adjusting the location or size of the player class would allow for more room to make survivor activities bigger?

I also think the character selection screen in the lobby has gotten uncomfortably small and cramped, but I didn't mean to talk about that here.

Thank you!


  • Tinay
    Tinay Member Posts: 25

    Yeah it's smaller than before and I don't really like it

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    I would love see improvement in HUD layout overall.

    Something like Smite has, where I can choose position and size for each block.

  • ghostfaceismywaifu
    ghostfaceismywaifu Member Posts: 16

    The UI design choices of this game favoring teeny tiny text has been a gripe of mine for a long time 😐️ It's a huge accessibility issue to players with vision impairments/dyslexia/etc. 2v8 mode is the most egregious it's ever been for sure. I can barely see what's going on.

    I really wish, if nothing else, they would implement some accessibility options in the menu that feature MUCH larger UI text, and perhaps higher contrast text too.

  • tparadise
    tparadise Member Posts: 83

    Yes the text is tiny now. From the unreadable text to the map lighting this game is so inaccessible to people who don't have perfect 20/20 vision.